KEYWORD検索: 各学会ホームページへは開催年月別一覧表よりリンクしています
AIDS | The 1st International Aids Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment | 2001.7.8-7.11 | Buenos AIres, ARGENTINA | 第1回国際AIDS学会HIV病原と治療会議 |
AIDS | 6th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific | 2001.10.5-10.10 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 第6回アジア太平洋AIDS国際会議 |
AIDS | 14th International Conference on AIDS | 2002.7.6-7.12 | Barcelona, SPAIN | 第14回国際AIDS会議 |
Alcohol | International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, 16th Conference | 2002.8.-. | Montreal, CANADA | 第16回国際アルコール・薬物・交通安全会議 |
Allergology & Clinical Immunology | 20th Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology | 2001.5.9-5.13 | Berlin GERMANY | 第20回欧州アレルギー・臨床免疫学会議(EAACI) |
Allergy | Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, 24th Annual Conference | 2002.10.18-10.23 | Eilat, ISRAEL | 第24回国際アレルギー学会議 |
Allergy, Astoma & Immunology | The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 57th Annual Meeting | 2001.3.16-3.21 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第57回米国アレルギー・喘息・免疫学会議 |
Allergy, Astoma & Immunology | Annual Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Astoma Immunology | 2001.10.20-10.24 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国アレルギー・喘息・免疫会議(ACAAI) |
Alzheimer Diseases | 8th International Conference on Alzheimer Diseases and Related Disorders | 2002.7.-. | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第8回国際アルツハイマー病会議 |
Alzheimer's Disease | 17th Alzheimer's Disease International Conference | 2001.10.25-10.27 | Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND | 第17回国際アルツハイマー病会議 |
Anaesthesiologists | 11th European Congress of Anaesthesiologists | 2001.6.5-6.9 | Florence, ITALY | 第11回欧州麻酔学会議 |
Andrology | 7th Internatioanl Congress of Andrology and 26th Annual Meeting of ASA | 2001.6.15-6.19 | Montreal, CANADA | 第7回国際アンドロロジー会議 |
Anesthesia | 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia | 2001.5.3-5.6 | Indian Wells, CA, USA | 第16回米国外来麻酔学会議 |
Anesthesia Research | 75th Clinical and Scientific Congress of the International Anesthesia Research Society |
2001.3.16-3.20 | Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA | 第75回国際麻酔研究会議 |
Anesthesiologists | American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting | 2002.10.12-10.16 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国麻酔学会議 |
Anesthesiology | American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting | 2001.10.13-10.17 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国麻酔学会議 |
Angiology | International Union of Angiology, 20th World Congress | 2002.4.7-4.11 | New York City, NY, USA | 第20回国際脈管学会議 |
Angiotensin II | The 4th International Symposium on Angiotensin II Antagonism | 2001.4.3-4.5 | London, UK | 第4回国際AngiotensinII Antagonism 会議 |
Anti-Cancer Treatment | 11th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment | 2001.2.6-2.9 | Paris FRANCE | 第11回国際抗癌治療会議 |
Anticancer Agents | 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Anticancer Agents | 2001.2.23-2.24 | Valencia, SPAIN | 第2回国際発生抗癌剤シンポジウム |
Artificial Internal Organs | American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, 47th Annual Conference | 2001.6.6-6.9 | New York ity, NY, USA | 第47回米国人工臓器学会議(ASAIO) |
ASPEN | 25th ASPEN Clinical Congress | 2001.1.13-1.14 | Chicago, IL, USA | 第25回ASPEN会議 |
Asthma | The 3rd Triennial World Asthma Meeting | 2001.7.13-7.15 | Chicago IL, USA | 第3回世界喘息会議 |
Atherosclerosis | European Atherosclerosis Society Half Year Meeting | 2001.5.20-5.25 | Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM | 欧州アテローム性動脈硬化学会議 |
Audiology | European Federation of Audiology Society, 5th Congress | 2001.9.16-9.20 | Bordeaux, FRANCE | 第5回欧州聴覚医学会議 |
Audiology | XXVI International Conference on Audiology | 2002.3.18-3.21 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 第26回国際聴覚医学会議 |
Barany | XXII Regular Meeting of the Barany Society | 2002.9.9-9.12 | Seattle, WA, USA | 第22回バラニー学会議 |
Bacteriology | 10th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology | 2002.7.21-7.26 | Paris, FRANCE | 第10回国際細菌学・応用微生物学会議 |
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies |
2001 World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies | 2001.7.17-7.21 | Vancouver, CANADA | 世界行動療法認知法会議 |
Biochemistry | 9th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry | 2001.11.11-11.16 | New Delhi, INDIA | 第9回アジア太平洋臨床生化学会議 |
Biochemistry | International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 7th Congress | 2002.6.29-7.3 | Bergen, NORWAY | 第7回国際生化学・分子生物学会議 |
Biochemistry | International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 19th Congress | 2003.7.20-7.25 | Toronto, CANADA | 第19回国際生化学・分子生物学会議 |
Biological Psychiatry | 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry | 2001.7.1-7.6 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第7回世界生物学的精神医学会議 |
Biophysics | Biophysical Society 45th Annual Meeting | 2001.2.17-2.21 | Boston, MA USA | 第45回米国生物物理学会 |
Biotechnology | 10th European Congress on Biotechnology | 2001.7.8-7.12 | Madrid, SPAIN | 第10回欧州バイオテクノロジー会議 |
Bone and Mineral | 1st Joint Meeting of the International Bone and Mineral Society and the European Calcified Tissue Society |
2001.6.5-6.10 | Madrid, SPAIN | 第1回国際骨代謝学会議 |
Bone and Mineral | The 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research | 2001.10.12-10.16 | Phoenix, AZ, USA | 第23回米国骨代謝学会議 |
Bone Deseases | 3rd International Conference on Center-Induced Bone Deseases | 2001.11.16-11.18 | Awaji, JAPAN | 第3回癌に伴う骨病変国際会議 |
Breast Cancer | 7th International Conference on Adjubvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer | 2001.2.21-2.24 | St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND | 第7回国際初期乳癌の補助薬治療会議 |
Breast Cancer | 24th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium | 2001.12.10-12.13 | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第24回サンアントニオ乳癌シンポジウム |
Burn Injuries | International Society for Burn Injuries, 11th International Congress | 2002.8.-. | Seattle, WA, USA | 第11回国際熱傷会議 |
Cancer | 4th International Gastric Cancer Congress | 2001.4.29-5.2 | New York City, NY, USA | 第4回国際胃癌学会議(IGCC) |
Cancer | Federation of European Cancer Societies: 11th Biennial European Cancer Conference (ECCO) |
2001.10.21-10.25 | Lisbon, PORTUGAL | 第11回欧州癌学会議(ECCO) |
Cancer | 16th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference | 2001.11.18-11.21 | Manila, PHILIPPINES | 第16回アジア太平洋癌学会議 |
Cancer | Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research | 2002.4.6-4.10 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国癌学会議(AACR) |
Cancer | International Union against Cancer, 18th Congress | 2002.6.29-7.5 | Oslo, NORWAY | 第18回国際癌学会議 |
Cancer Research | Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research | 2001.3.24-3.28 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国癌学会議(AACR) |
Cancers of the Skin | 8th World Congress on Cancers of the Skin | 2001.7.18-7.21 | Zurich, SWITZERLAND | 第8回世界皮膚癌会議 |
Cardiac Pacing | VII Asian - Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology | 2001.10.13-10.16 | Beijing, CHINA | 第7回アジア太平洋心臓ペーシング、電気生理学会議 |
Cardiac Pacing | International Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Society World Symposium | 2003.8.31-9.4 | Hong Kong, CHINA | 国際心臓ペースメーカー会議 |
Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons | 11th World Congress of the World Society of of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, | 2001.8.12-8.15 | Sao Paulo, BRAZIL | 第11回世界心臓胸部外科学会議 |
Cardiology | 50th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology | 2001.3.18-3.21 | Orland, FL, USA | 第50回米国心臓学会議(ACC) |
Cardiology | Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiology | 2001.5.13-5.16 | Washington, DC, USA | 国際心臓学アカデミ−年次会議 |
Cardiology | The 5th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology | 2001.5.27-5.31 | Osaka, JAPAN | 第5回国際循環器病予防会議 |
Cardiology | 4th Meeting of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Heart Failure | 2001.6.9-6.12 | Barcelona, SPAIN | 第4回欧州心臓学会心不全ワーキンググループ会議 |
Cardiology | 23rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology | 2001.9.1-9.5 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第23回欧州心臓学会議(ESC) |
Cardiology | 51st Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology | 2002.3.17-3.20 | Atlanta, GA, USA | 第51回米国心臓学会議(ACC) |
Cardiology | 14th World Congress of Cardiology | 2002.5.5-5.9 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第14回世界心臓学会議 |
Cardiology | International Academy of Cardiology, 4th International Congress on Heart Disease | 2002.5.12-5.15 | Washington, DC, USA | 第4回国際心臓学アカデミー会議 |
Cardiology | 23rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology | 2002.8.31-9.4 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第24回欧州心臓学会議(ESC) |
Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy | International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 11th Annual Symposium | 2002.5.18-5.24 | Montreal, CANADA | 第11回国際心臓血管薬理治療学会議 |
Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy | International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 12th Annual Symposium | 2003.2.16-2.20 | Barcelona, SPAIN | 第12回国際心臓血管薬理治療学シンポジウム |
Cardiovascular Surgery | The 9th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery | 2001.3.27-3.30 | Nagoya, JAPAN | 第9回アジア心臓血管外科学会議 |
Cardiovascular Surgery | 25th World Congress, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery | 2001.9.9-9.13 | Cancun, MEXICO | 第25回国際心臓血管外科学会議 |
Cardiovascular Surgery | Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery and the Society for Vascular Surgery |
2002.6.9-6.13 | Boston, MA, USA | 国際心臓血管外科学会議 |
Cataract | Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery | 2001.4.28-5.2 | San Diego, CA, USA | 米国白内障・IOL・Refractive Surgery会議 |
Cerebral Blood Flow | XXth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | 2001.6.9-6.13 | Taipei, TAIWAN | 第20回国際脳循環代謝学会議 |
Chemotherapy | 22nd International Congress of Chemotherapy | 2001.6.30-7.3 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 第22回国際化学療法会議 |
Chemotherapy | 41st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) | 2001.9.22-9.25 | Chicago,IL, USA | 第41回インターサイエンス会議(ICAAC) |
Chemotherapy | International Society of Chemotherapy, 23rd Biennial Congress | 2003.6.19-6.28 | Durban, SOUTH AFRICA | 第23回国際化学療法会議 |
Chest Physicians | 67th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians | 2001.11.4-11.8 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第67回米国胸部疾患学会議(ACCP) |
Cleft Palate- Craniofacial | Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Association | 2001.4.23-4.28 | Minneapolis, MN, USA | 米国口蓋裂学会議 |
Clinical Chemistry | American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Annual Meeting | 2001.7.29-8.2 | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国臨床化学会議 |
Cologn and Rectal Surgeons | International Society of University Cologn and Rectal Surgeons, 19th Congress | 2002.5.-. | Madrid, SPAIN | 第19回国際大学直腸結腸外科学会議 |
Colon and Rectal Surgeons | The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2001.6.2-6.7 | San Diego, CA, USA | 米国直腸結腸外科学会議 |
Colon and Rectal Surgeons | The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2002.6.4-6.9 | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国直腸結腸外科学会議 |
Colon and Rectal Surgeons | The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2003.6.22-6.27 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国直腸結腸外科学会議 |
Cytology | 14th International Congress of Cytology of the International Academy of Cytology | 2001.5.27-5.31 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 第14回国際細胞学会議 |
Cytology | European Federation of Cytology Societies, 29th Congress | 2002.9.23-9.26 | Antwerp, BELGIUM | 第29回欧州細胞学会議 |
Dental | 89th Annual World Dental Congress (FDI 2001) | 2001.9.27-10.2 | Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA | 第89回国際歯科学連盟会議(FDI) |
Dental | FDI International Dental Federation, 91st World Congress | 2003.9.14-9.18 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第91回国際歯科学連盟会議(FDI) |
Dental | FDI International Dental Federation, 90th Annual World Congress | 2002.9.28-10.4 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第90回国際歯科学連盟会議(FDI) |
Dental | International Association for Dental Research, 81st Annual General Session | 2003.6.30-7.3 | Jerusalem, ISRAEL | 第81回国際歯科研究会議(IADR) |
Dental Anaesthesiology | International Federation of Dental Anaesthesiology Societies' Conference | 2003.6.3-6.6 | Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM | 国際歯科麻酔学会議 |
Dental Hygiene | International Symposium on Dental Hygiene | 2001.8.2-8.5 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 国際歯科衛生シンポジウム |
Dental Research | American Association for Dental Research Annual Meeting | 2001.3.7-3.10 | Chicago IL, USA | 米国歯科学研究会議(AADR) |
Dental Research | 79th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research | 2001.6.27-6.30 | Chiba, JAPAN | 第79回国際歯科研究学会総会(IADR) |
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology | 13th International Congress of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology | 2001.8.6-8.8 | Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM | 第13回国際歯科顎骨顔面放射線学会議 |
Dermatology | 59th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology | 2001.3.2-3.7 | Washington, DC, USA | 第59回米国皮膚科学会議 |
Dermatology | Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology | 2001.5.9-5.13 | Washington, DC, USA | 国際研究皮膚科学会年次会議 |
Dermatology | 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology | 2002.2.22-2.27 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第60回米国皮膚科学会議 |
Dermatology | Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology | 2002.5.15-5.19 | Los Angeles, CA, USA | 国際研究皮膚科学会年次会議 |
Dermatology | International League of Dermatological Societies, 20th Congress | 2002.7.1-7.5 | Paris, FRANCE | 第20回国際皮膚科学会議 |
Dermatology | 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology | 2003.3.21-3.26 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第61回米国皮膚科学会議 |
Diabetes | 61st Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association | 2001.6.23-6.26 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第61回米国糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 37th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes | 2001.9.9-9.13 | Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM | 第37回欧州糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes | 2001.9.19-9.21 | Sienna, ITALY | 第23回欧州児童青年糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 62nd Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association | 2002.6.15-6.18 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第62回米国糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 18th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation | 2003.8.24-8.29 | Paris FRANCE | 第18回国際糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress | 2003.8.24-8.29 | Paris, FRANCE | 第18回国際糖尿病学会議 |
Diabetes | 5th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS) | 2001.2.14-2.16 | Chennai (Madras), India. | 第5回国際糖尿病免疫学会議 |
Dietetic | Meeting of the American Dietetic Association | 2001.10.22-10.25 | St. Louis, MS, USA | 米国食餌療法学会議 |
Digestive Disease | Digestive Disease Week ASGE Annual Meeting | 2001.5.20-5.23 | Atlanta, GA, USA | 米国消化器病週間(DDW) |
Digestive Disease | Digestive Disease Week ASGE Annual Meeting | 2002.5.18-5.22 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国消化器病週間(DDW) |
Digestive Disease | Digestive Disease Week ASGE Annual Meeting | 2003.5.17-5.21 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国消化器病週間(DDW) |
Digestive Disease | Digestive Disease Week ASGE Annual Meeting | 2004.5.15-5.19 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国消化器病週間(DDW) |
Digestive Endoscopy | 10th World Congress of Digestive Endoscopy | 2002.2.24-3.1 | 第10回世界消化器内視鏡学会議(OMED) | |
Echocardiography | 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Doppler and Echocardiography | 2001.2.22-2.23 | Manila, PHILIPPINES | 第9回アジア太平洋ドップラー心電図会議 |
Echocardiography | International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound 5th World Congress of Echocardiography and Vascular Ultrasound |
2001.5.20-5.22 | Seoul, KOREA | 第5回国際心エコー検査・血管超音波会議 |
Echocardiography | International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound, 6th World Congress of Echocardiography and Vascular Ultrasound |
2002.2.8-2.10 | New Delhi, INDIA | 第6回国際心エコ−検査・血管超音波会議 |
Electron Microscopy | International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy 15th Congress | 2002.8.-. | Durbam, SOUTH AFRICA | 第15回国際電子顕微鏡会議 |
Emergency Medicine | Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine | 2001.5.6-5.9 | Atlanta, GA, USA | 米国救急医学会議 |
Emergency Medicine | World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 12 Congress | 2001.9.1-9.5 | Lyon, FRANCE | 第12回世界災害救急医学会議 |
Endocrine | 83rd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society | 2001.6.20-6.23 | Denver, CO, USA | 第83回米国内分泌学会議 |
Endocrine Surgeons | International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES) Meeting | 2001.8.26-8.30 | 国際内分泌外科学会議 | |
Endocrinology | 14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology | 2001.5.26-5.30 | Sorrento, ITALY | 第14回国際比較内分泌学会議 |
Endocrinology | 5th European Congress of Endocrinology | 2001.6.9-6.13 | Turin, iTALY | 第5回欧州内分泌学会議 |
Endodontic | International Federation of Endodontic Associstioon, 5th World Congress | 2001.4.28-4.30 | Madrid, SPAIN | 第5回国際歯内治療学会議 |
Endoscopic Surgery | 5th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery | 2001.2.9-2.11 | 第5回アジア太平洋内視鏡外科学会議 | |
Endoscopic Surgery | European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques, 9th Annual Congress |
2001.6.13-6.16 | Maastricht, NETHERLANDS | 第9回欧州内視鏡外科学会議 |
Environmental Health | International Federation of Environmental Health | 2002.4.-. | San Diego, CA, USA | 国際環境衛生会議 |
Epilepsy | 24th International Epilepsy Congress | 2001.5.13-5.18 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第24回国際てんかん学会議 |
ERA | XVIIth Biennial Symposium of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) |
2001.7.22-7.27 | Vancouver, B.C. Canada | 第17回ERA-国際誘発反応聴力検査研究グループ会議 |
Esophagus | 8th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus | 2001.9.5-9.8 | Sao Paulo, BRAZIL | 第8回国際食道疾患学会議 |
Experimental Biology | EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 2001 | 2001.3.31-4.4 | Orlando, FL, USA | 実験生物学2001・米国研究病理学会議(FASEB) |
Facial Nerve | 2001.7.29-7.31 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 国際顔面神経学会議 | |
Family Doctors | 16th World Congress of Family Doctors (WONCA) | 2001.5.13-5.17 | Durban, SOUTH AFRICA | 第16回世界家庭医学会議(WONCA) |
Fertility | International Federation of Fertility Societies, 17th Congress | 2001.11.24-12.1 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 第17回国際Fertility学会議 |
Fertilization | 12th World Congress on in-vitro fertilization amd Alternate Assisted Reproduction | 2002.3.15-3.19 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第12回世界管内受精会議 |
Gastroenterology | 9th United European Gastroenterology Week | 2001.10.6-10.11 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 第9回欧州消化器病週間(UEGW) |
Gastroenterology | Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology | 2001.10.19-10.24 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 米国消化器病学会議(AGA) |
Gastroenterology | 12th World Congress of Gastroenterology | 2002.2.24-3.1 | 第12回世界消化器病学会議(WCOG) | |
Gastroenterology | Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology | 2002.10.18-10.24 | Seattle, WA, USA | 米国消化器病学会議(AGA) |
Gastroenterology | Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology | 2003.10.24-10.29 | New York City, NY, USA | 米国消化器病学会議(AGA) |
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Annual Meeting | 2003.5.20-5.21 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国消化器内視鏡学会議 |
Gerontological | 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America | 2001.5.2-5.6 | Chicago, IL, USA | 第54回米国老年医学会議 |
Gerontological | 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America | 2002.11.22-11.26 | Boston, MA, USA | 第55回米国老年医学会議 |
Gerontology | 17th World Congress of Gerontology | 2001.7.1-7.6 | Vancouver, CANADA | 第17回世界老年医学会議 |
Glaucoma | 3rd International Glaucoma Symposium | 2001.3.22-3.25 | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC | 第3回国際緑内障シンポジウム |
Gynaecological Oncology | 12th International Meeting of Gynaecological Oncology | 2001.4.21-4.24 | Venice, ITALY | 第12回欧州婦人科腫瘍学会議 |
Gynecologic Endoscopy | 10th Annual Congress of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy | 2001.3.28-3.31 | Chicago, IL, USA | 第10回国際婦人科内視鏡会議 |
Gynecology | International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile Gynecology, 13th World Congress | 2001.4.29-5.2 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第13回国際幼児・児童婦人科学会議 |
Haematology | 6th Meeting of the European Haematology Association | 2001.6.21-6.24 | Frankfurt, GERMANY | 第6回欧州血液学会議 |
Hand Surgery | American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting | 2001.1.11-1.13 | Coronado, CA, USA | 米国手の外科学会議 |
Hand Surgery | 8th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand | 2001.6.9-6.13 | Istanbul, TURKEY | 第8回国際手の外科学会議 |
Hand Surgery | 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand | 2001.10.3-10.6 | Baltimore, MD, USA | 第56回米国手の外科学会議 |
Hand Surgery | 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for the Surgery of the Hand | 2002.10.16-10.19 | Salt Lake City, UT, USA | 第57回米国手の外科学会議 |
Hand Surgery | 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand | 2003.9.17-9.20 | St. Louis, MO, USA | 第58回国際手の外科学会議 |
Headache | 10th Congress of the International Headache Society and the Amserican Association for the Study of Headache Scientific Meeting |
2001.6.29-7.3 | New York City, NY, USA | 第10回国際頭痛学会議 |
Heart | 74th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association | 2001.11.8-11.11 | Anaheim, CA, USA | 第74回米国心臓学会議(AHA) |
Heart Disease | 2nd International Congress on Heart Disease | 2001.5.20-5.23 | Washington, DC, USA | 第2回国際心臓疾患会議 |
Heart Disease | 2nd International Congress on Heart Disease | 2001.7.21-7.24 | Washington, DC, USA | 第2回国際心臓疾患学会議 |
Heart Research | International Society for Heart Research, 17th World Congress | 2001.7.6-7.11 | Winnipeg, CANADA | 第17回国際心臓研究会議 |
Hematology | 31st Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology | 2001.8.25-8.29 | Tokyo, JAPAN | 第31回国際実験血液学会議 |
Hematology | 43rd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting | 2001.12.7-12.11 | Orlando, FL, USA | 第43回米国血液学会議 |
Hematology | International Society for Experimental Hematology, 31st Annual Congress | 2002.7.5-7.9 | Montreal, CANADA | 第31回国際実験血液学会議 |
Hepato Biliary Pancreatic Surgery |
6th Asian Society of Hepato Biliary Pancreatic Surgery | 2001.2.6-2.9 | Hong Kong, CHINA | 第6回アジア肝胆膵外科学会議 |
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary | International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association European Congress | 2001.5.27-6.1 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 国際肝胆膵学欧州会議 |
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary | 5th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association | 2002.4.27-4.29 | Tokyo, JAPAN | 第5回国際肝胆膵学会議 |
Hospital Engineering | International Federatioon of Hospital Engineering, 17th Congress | 2002.5.12-5.16 | Bergen, NORWAY | 第17回国際病院工学会議 |
Human Genetics | 10th International Congress of Human Genetics 2001 | 2001.5.15-5.19 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第10回国際人類遺伝学会議 |
Human Genetics | American Society of Human Genetics | 2001.10.12-10.16 | San Diego, CA, USA | 米国人類遺伝学会議 |
Human Genetics | American Society for Human Genetics Annual Meeting | 2002.10.15-10.19 | Baltimore, MD, USA | 米国人類遺伝学会議 |
Human Genetics | American Society for Human Genetics Annual Meeting | 2003.11.4-11.8 | Los Angeles, CA, USA | 米国人類遺伝学会議 |
Hypertension | American Society of Hypertension Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting | 2001.5.15-5.19 | San Francisco,CA,USA | 第16回米国高血圧学会議 |
Immunology | 11th International Congress of Immunology | 2001.7.22-7.27 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第11回国際免疫学会議 |
Impotence | International Society for Impotence Research, 10th World Congress | 2002.9.22-9.27 | Montreal, CANADA | 第10回国際インポテンス会議 |
Infection and Allergy of the Nose |
XX International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose | 2001.6.5-6.7 | Yaroslavi, RUSSIA | 第20回ISIAN会議 |
Intensive and Critical Care Medicine |
World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 8th Congress | 2001.10.28-11.1 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第8回世界救急・集中治療医学会議 |
Intensive Care Medicine | 14th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine | 2001.9.30-10.3 | Geneve, Switzerland | 第14回欧州集中治療医学会議 |
Intensive Care Medicine | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 15th Annual Congress | 2002.9.22-9.25 | Copenhagen, DENMARK | 第15回欧州集中治療医学会議 |
Interferon and Cytokine | International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research Annual Meeting | 2001.11.5-11.10 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 国際インターフェロンとサイトカイン会議 |
Internal Medicine | The 26th International Congress of Internal Medicine | 2002.5.26-5.30 | Kyoto, JAPAN | 第26回国際内科学会議 |
Interventional Radiology | 26th Annual Scientific Meeting SCVIR 2001 | 2001.3.3-3.8 | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第26回心臓血管・インターベンショナルラディオロジー会議 |
Interventional Radiology | 4th International Symposium on Vascular Interventional Radiology | 2001.5.10-5.12 | Heerlen, NETHERLANDS | 第4回国際血管Interventional Radiology会議 |
Lasers in Dentistry | 8th International Congress on Lasers in Dentistry | 2002.7.30-8.2 | 第8回国際歯科レーザー学会議 | |
Liver | 36th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) | 2001.4.18-4.22 | 第36回欧州肝臓学会議(EASL) | |
Liver | European Association for the Study of the Liver, 37th Annual Congress | 2002.4.14-4.20 | Madrid, SPAIN | 第37回欧州肝臓学会議(EASL) |
Liver Disease | Meeting of the American Association for the study of Liver Disease | 2001.11.10-11.13 | Dallas, TX, USA | 米国肝臓学会議(AASLD) |
Liver Transplantation | 7th Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society | 2001.7.11-7.13 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第7回国際肝臓移植学会議 |
Logopedics and Phoniatrics | International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 25th Congress | 2001.8.5-8.10 | Montreal, CANADA | 第25回国際音声言語学会議 |
Lymphology | 18th International Congress of Lymphology | 2001.9.3-9.7 | Genoa, ITALY | 第18回国際リンパ学会議 |
Magnetic Resonance | 9th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
2001.4.21-4.27 | Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM | 第9回国際医学磁気共鳴学会議 |
Magnetic Resonance | 1th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
2003.5.10-5.16 | Toronto, CANADA | 米国医学磁気共鳴会議 |
Medical Chemistry | European Federation for Medical Chemistry, 17th International Symposium | 2002.9.1-9.5 | Barcelona, SPAIN | 第17回欧州医化学会議 |
Medical Informatics | International Medical Informatics Association, 10th MEDINFO World Congress | 2001.9.2-9.5 | London, UK | 第10回国際医学情報会議(MEDINFO) |
Medical Women | Medical Women's International Association, 25th Congress | 2001.4.21-4.24 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第25回国際女医会議 |
Melanoma | 5th World Conference on Melanoma | 2001.2.28-3.3 | Venice, ITALY | 第5回世界メラノーマ会議 |
Meniere | International Meniere Federation, 5th Congress | 2002.6.13-6.15 | Copenhagen, DENMARK | 第5回国際メニエル病会議 |
Menopause | International Menopause Society, 10 Congress | 2002.6.10-6.14 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第10回国際閉経会議 |
Mental Health | 1st World Congress on Women's Mental Health | 2001.3.27-3.31 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第1回世界女性のメンタルヘルス会議 |
Mental Health | World Federation for Mental Health Biennial World Congress | 2001.7.23-7.29 | Vancouver, CANADA | 世界Mental Health会議 |
Mental Health | World Federation for Mental Health Biennial World Congress | 2003.2.23-2.28 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 世界精神衛生会議 |
Mental Retardation | 125th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation | 2001.5.29-6.2 | Denver, CO, USA | 第125回米国Mental Retardation会議 |
Microcirculation | The 7th World Congress for Microcirculation | 2001.8.19-8.23 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第7回世界微小循環会議 |
Microsomes | 13th International Symposium on Microsomes & Drug Oxidations | 2002.7.22-7.26 | Sapporo, JAPAN | 第13回ミクロゾームと薬物酸化国際シンポジウム |
Microsurgery | American society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting | 2001.1.13-1.16 | Coronado, CA, USA | 米国マイクロサ−ジャリ−会議 |
Molecular Cell Biology | European Congress on Molecular Cell Biology | 2001.7.14-7.20 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 欧州分子細胞生物学会議 |
Mycological | International Mycological Association, 7th Congress | 2002.8.12-8.17 | Oslo, NORWAY | 第7回国際真菌学会議 |
Nephrology | American Society of Nephrology 2001 Renal Week | 2001.10.12-10.20 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国腎臓病週間(ASN RENAL WEEK) |
Nephrology | VIth International Congress of Nephrology | 2001.10.14-10.17 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第16回国際腎臓学会議 |
Nephrology | 17th International Congress of Nephrology | 2003.6.9-6.12 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第17回国際腎臓学会議 |
Neuro Ophthalmology | International Neuro Ophthalmology Society, 14th Symposium | 2002.5.6-5.10 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第14回国際神経眼科シンポジウム |
Neuro-Psychopharmacology | Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum Congress (Regional Congress) |
2001.9.20-9.23 | 国際神経精神薬理学会議 (Regional Congress) | |
Neuro-Psychopharmacology | 2001.10.2-10.5 | Hiroshima, JAPAN | 2001年国際神経精神薬理学会議広島会議 | |
Neurological Surgeons | Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons | 2001.4.21-4.26 | 第70回米国脳神経外科学会議(AANS) | |
Neurological Surgeons | 51st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons | 2001.9.29-10.4 | 第51回米国脳神経外科学会議(CNS) | |
Neurology | 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology | 2001.5.5-5.12 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第53回米国神経学会議 |
Neurology | 17th World Congress of Neurology | 2001.6.17-6.22 | London, UNITED KINGDOM | 第17回世界神経学会議 |
Neurootological | 28th Ordinary Scientific Congress of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Reg. | 2001.5.4-5.6 | Sardinia, Italy | 第28回国際平衡神経科学会議(NES) |
Neurootological | 29th Ordinary Scientific Congress of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Reg. | 2002.3.21-3.24 | Bad Kissingen, GERMANY | 第29回国際平衡神経科学会議(NES) |
Neurophsiology | 15th World Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophsiology | 2001.10.27-11.4 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第15回世界脳波臨床神経生理学会議 |
Neurophysiology | 15th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology | 2001.5.16-5.20 | 第15回国際臨床神経生理学会議 | |
Neurophysiology | International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology Biennial Congress | 2001.8.26-9.1 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 国際臨床神経生理学会議 |
Neuropsychopharmacology | Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2001 Congress | 2001.6.16-6.20 | Banff, CANADA | 2001年カナダ神経精神薬理学会議(CCNP) |
Neuropsychopharmacology | 14th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) |
2001.10.13-10.17 | Istanbul, TURKY | 第14回欧州精神神経薬理学会議(ECNP) |
Neuroradiology | 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology | 2001.4.21-4.27 | Boston, MA, USA | 第39回米国神経放射線学会議 |
Neuroradiology | 27th Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology | 2001.9.13-9.16 | Ancona, ITALY | 第27回欧州神経放射線学会議 |
Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2001 Annual Meeting | 2001.11.10-11.15 | San Diego, CA, USA | ニューロサイエンス会議 |
Neurosonology | European Society of Neurosonology Cerebral Hemodynamics, 6th Meeting | 2001.5.14-5.16 | Lisbon, PORTUGAL | 第6回欧州Neurosonology大脳血行力学会議 |
Neurosurgical | 12th International Congress of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies | 2001.9.16-9.20 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第12回国際脳神経外科学会議 |
Nuclear Cardiology | 5th International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology | 2001.5.2-5.5 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第5回国際核心臓学会議(ICNC-5) |
Nuclear Medicine | 48th Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting | 2001.6.23-6.27 | Toronto, CANADA | 第48回米国核医学会議 |
Nuclear Medicine | European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress 2001 | 2001.8.25-8.29 | Naples, ITALY | 欧州核医学会議 |
Nutritional Sciences | International Union of Nutritional Sciences, 17th Congress | 2001.8.24-9.1 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第17回国際栄養学会議 |
Occupational Therapists | World Federation of Occupational Therapists, 13th Congress | 2002.6.23-6.28 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第13回世界作業療法会議 |
Ocular Inflammation | International Ocular Inflammation Society Conference | 2002.4.-. | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 国際眼炎症会議 |
Oncology | 27th ESMO(European Society for Medical Oncology) Congress | 2002.10.18-10.22 | Nice, FRANCE | 第27回欧州癌治療学会議(ESMO) |
Oncology | 37th American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting | 2001.5.12-5.15 | Washington, DC, USA | 第37回米国癌治療学会議(ASCO) |
Ophthalmic Optics | International Congress for Ophthalmic Optics (OPTICA) | 2001.4.27-4.30 | Cologn, GERMANY | 国際眼光学会議 |
Ophthalmology | 18th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology | 2001.3.10-3.14 | Taipei, TAIWAN | 第18回アジア太平洋眼科アカデミー会議 |
Ophthalmology | 13th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology | 2001.6.3-6.7 | Istanbul, TURKEY | 第13回欧州眼科学会議 |
Ophthalmology | American Academy of Ophthalmology, Annual Meeting | 2001.11.11-11.15 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国眼科学会議 |
Ophthalmology | International Federation of Ophthalmological Societies International Council of Ophthalmology, 29th Congress |
2002.4.22-4.27 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 第29回国際眼科学会議 |
Ophthalmology | American Academy of Ophthalmology, Annual Meeting | 2002.10.20-10.24 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国眼科学会議 |
Ophthalmology | American Academy of Ophthalmology, Annual Meeting | 2003.11.16-11.20 | Anaheim, CA, USA | 米国眼科学会議 |
Ophthalmology | Annual Meeting, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) | 2001.4.29-5.4 | Fort Lauderdale, FL. USA | 2001ARVO会議 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 15th International Conference | 2001.5.19-5.26 | Durban, SOUTH AFRICA | 第15回国際口腔顎骨顔面外科学会議 |
Oral Cancer | 7th International Congress on Oral Cancer | 2001.4.22-4.26 | The Hague, NETHERLANDS | 第7回国際口腔癌会議 |
Oral Cancer | 7th International Congress on Oral Cancer | 2001.5.22-5.25 | The Hague, NETHERLANDS | 第7回国際口腔癌会議 |
Organ Transplantation | the 10th E.S.O.T. Congress | 2001.10.6-10.11 | Lisbon, PORTUGAL | 第10回欧州臓器移植学会議(ESOT) |
Orthodontic | 77th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society | 2001.6.18-6.23 | Ghent, BELGIUM | 第77回欧州矯正歯科学会議 |
Orthodontic | 4th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference | 2002.11.21-11.24 | Singapore, SINGAPORE | 第4回アジア太平洋矯正歯科学会議 |
Orthodontics | International Association for Orthodontics Annual Meeting | 2001.4.26-4.29 | Louisville, KY, USA | 国際矯正歯科学会議 |
Orthopaedic | 2001 Western Pacific Orthopaedic Triennial Congress | 2001.4.1-4.6 | Adelaide, AUSTRALIA | 第13回アジア太平洋整形外科学会議 |
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine | 3rd Biennial Congress of the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine |
2001.5.14-5.18 | Montreux, SWITZERLAND | 第3回国際会議関節鏡検査、膝外科、スポーツ整形外科学会議 |
Orthopaedic Surgeons | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2001.2.28-3.4 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国整形外科学会議 |
Orthopaedic Surgeons | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2002.2.13-2.17 | Dallas, TX, USA | 米国整形外科学会議 |
Orthopaedic Surgery | International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, 22nd Congress | 2002.8.25-8.30 | San Diego, CA, USA | 第22回国際整形外科学会議(SICOT) |
Orthoptic | International Orthoptic Association Congress | 2003.5.-. | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 国際視矯正学会議 |
Otolaryngology | 105th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery |
2001.9.9-9.12 | Denver, CO, USA | 第105回米国耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
Otolaryngology | 106th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery |
2002.9.22-9.25 | San Diego, CA, USA | 第106回米国耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
Otorhinolaryngology | XVII.World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery | 2001.10.21-10.26 | Cairo, EGYPT | 第17回世界耳鼻咽喉科頭頚部外科学会議 |
Paediatric Anaesthesia | 5th European Congress of Paediatric Anaesthesia | 2001.5.30-6.3 | Gothenburg, SWEDEN | 第5回欧州小児麻酔学会議 |
Paediatric Endocrinology | European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, 40th Annual Meeting | 2001.7.6-7.10 | Montreal, CANADA | 第40回欧州小児内分泌学会議 |
Paediatric Oncology | Iinternational Society of Paediatric Oncology, 34th Congress | 2002.9.-. | Porto, PORTUGAL | 第34回国際小児腫瘍学会議 |
Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology | 8th International Congress on Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology | 2002.9.11-9.14 | London, UNITED KINGDOM | 第8回国際小児耳鼻咽喉科会議 |
Paediatric Respiratory | International Paediatric Respiratory and Allergy Congress | 2001.4.1-4.4 | Prague,CZECH REP. | 国際小児呼吸器学会議 |
Pain | 9th World Congress on Pain | 2002.8.17-8.22 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第10回世界疼痛会議(PAIN) |
Pancreatic | International Congress on Pancreatic and Islet Transplantation | 2001.6.13-6.15 | Innsbruck, AUSTRIA | 国際膵臓・ランゲルハンス島移植会議 |
Parkinson's Disease | XIV International Congress on Parkinson's Disease | 2001.7.28-8.1 | Helsinki, FINLAND | 第14回国際パーキンソン病会議 |
Pathology | 18th European Congress of Pathology | 2001.9.8-9.13 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第18回欧州病理学会議 |
Pathology | XXI. World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | 2001.11.20-11.23 | Dusseldorf, GERMANY | 第21回世界臨床病理学会議(WASPaLM) |
Pediatric Cardiology | 3rd World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery | 2001.5.27-6.1 | Toronto, CANADA | 第3回世界小児心臓血管外科学会議 |
Pediatric Nephrology | 12th International Congress of the Pediatric Nephrology Association | 2001.9.1-9.5 | Seattle, WA, USA | 第12回国際小児腎臓学会議 |
Pediatric Oncology | International Society of Pediatric Oncology, 33rd Annual Conference | 2001.10.1-10.6 | Brisbane, AUSTRALIA | 第33回国際小児腫瘍学会議 |
Pediatric Radiology | 4th International Pediatric Radiology Meeting | 2001.5.26-6.1 | Paris, FRANCE | 第4回国際小児放射線学会議 |
Pediatric Radiology | European Society of Pediatric Radiology, 39th Annual Congress | 2002.6.16-6.21 | Bergen, NORWAY | 第39回欧州小児放射線学会議 |
Pediatric Surgeons | 34th Annual Meeting of Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons | 2001.4.4-4.8 | Kyoto, JAPAN | 第34回太平洋小児外科学会議(PAPS) |
Pediatrics | 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics (IPA) | 2001.9.9-9.14 | Beijing, CHINA | 第23回国際会議小児科学会議 |
Perinatal Medicine | European Association of Perinatal Medicine, 18th Congress | 2002.6.19-6.22 | Oslo, NORWAY | 第18回欧州周産期医学会議 |
Peripheral Nerve | The 2001 Meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society | 2001.9.8-9.12 | Telfs, AUSTRIA | 国際末梢神経学会議 |
Peritoneal Dialysis | 9th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis | 2001.6.26-6.29 | Montreal, CANADA | 第9回国際腹膜透析会議 |
Pharmaceutical | 148th Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association | 2001.3.24-3.28 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第148回米国薬学会議 |
Pharmaceutical | 61st Congress of International Pharmaceutical Federation | 2001.9.1-9.6 | Singapore | 第61回国際薬学会議(FIP) |
Pharmacological | Federation of European Pharmacological Societies Congress | 2001.7.6-7.9 | Lyon, FRANCE | 第3回欧州薬理学会議 |
Pharmacology | 5th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
2001.9.12-9.15 | Odense, DENMARK | 第5回欧州臨床薬理学会議 |
Pharmacology | XIVth World Congress of Pharmacology | 2002.7.7-7.12 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第14回国際薬理学会議 |
Phlebology | International Union of Phlebology, 14th Congress | 2001.9.2-9.7 | Rome, ITALY | 第14回国際静脈学会議 |
Physical and Engineering Sciences |
International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine World Congress | 2003.8.24-8.29 | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 国際医学の身体・工学会議 |
Physiological | XXXIV International Congress of Physiological Sciences | 2001.8.26-9.1 | Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND | 第34回国際生理学会議 |
Physiotherapy | WCPT-AWP International Physiotherapy Congress | 2001.7.19-7.22 | Singapore, SINGAPORE | 国際理学療法会議 |
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery |
Asian Pacific Section of the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 8th Congress |
2001.4.1-4.4 | Taipei, TAIWAN | 国際形成外科学会第8回アジア太平洋会議 |
Plastic Surgeons | European Association of Plastic Surgeons, 12th Annual Meeting | 2001.5.31-6.2 | Helsinki, FINLAND | 第12回欧州形成外科学会議 |
Plastic Surgeons | American Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting | 2002.5.12-5.16 | Seattle, WA, USA | 米国形成外科学会議 |
Plastic Surgery | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting | 2002.4.28-5.3 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 米国美容外科学会議 |
Plastic Surgery | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting | 2003.4.4-4.9 | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国美容外科学会議 |
Politzer | 23rd Meeting of The Politzer Society | 2002.1.19-1.23 | Courchevel , FRANCE | 第23回ポリツァーソサエティ会議 |
Politzer | 23rd Meeting of The Politzer Society | 2003.8.31-9.4 | Courchevel , FRANCE | 第24回ポリツァーソサエティ会議 |
Postural and Gait | 15th Symposium of the International Society for Postural and Gait Research | 2001.6.23-6.27 | Maastricht The Netherlands | 第15回国際姿勢学会議 |
Prosthetics and Orthotics | International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, 10th Congress | 2001.7.1-7.6 | Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM | 第10回国際歯科補綴・矯正学会議 |
Psychiatric | Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association | 2003.5.17-5.22 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国精神科学会議 |
Psychiatric | Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association | 2001.5.5-5.10 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国精神科学会議(APA) |
Psychiatric | European Congress of the World Psychiatric Association | 2001.9.30-10.3 | Madrid, SPAIN | 世界精神医学会(WPA)欧州会議 |
Psychiatrists | Annual Meeting of the American College of Psychiatrists | 2001.2.21-2.25 | Tucson, AZ, USA | 米国精神科学会議 |
Psychiatrists | 10th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Congress | 2001.10.7-10.10 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 第10回パシフィックリム精神医学会議 |
Psychiatry | 48th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2001.10.23-10.28 | New York City, NY, USA | 第48回米国児童青年精神医学会議 |
Psychiatry | 12th World Congress of Psychiatry | 2002.8.24-8.29 | Yokohama, JAPAN | 第12回世界精神科学会議 |
Psychiatry | 49th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2002.10.22-10.27 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第49回米国児童青年精神医学会議 |
Psychiatry | 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry | 2003.9.28-10.3 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第8回世界生物精神科学会議 |
Psychiatry | 50th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | 2003.10.21-10.26 | Miami, FL, USA | 第50回米国児童青年精神科学会議 |
Psychiatry | Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatry Association | 2002.5.18-5.23 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 米国精神科学会議 |
Psychoanalytic | 90th Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association | 2001.4.27-5.6 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第90回米国精神分析学会議 |
Psychoanalytic | International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies, 11th Forum | 2002.8.13-8.18 | Oslo, NORWAY | 第11回国際精神分析学会議 |
Psychoanalytical | International Psychoanalytical Congress | 2001.7.22-7.27 | Nice, FRANCE | 国際精神分析学会議 |
Psychogeriatric | 10th International Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association | 2001.9.9-9.14 | Nice, FRANCE | 第10回国際老年精神医学会議 |
Psychogeriatry | Joint Meeting, International Psychogeriatric Association and The Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
2001.2.4-2.7 | Lorne, Vic. AUSTRALIA | 国際老年精神医学会議(IPA) |
Psychological Association | 109th Convention of the American Psychological Association | 2001.8.24-8.28 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第109回米国心理学会議 |
Psychology | International Association for Analytical Psychology, 15th Congress | 2001.8.19-8.25 | Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM | 第15回国際精神分析学会議 |
Psychology | 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) | 2002.7.7-7.12 | Singapore, SINGAPORE | 第25回国際応用心理学会議 |
Psychoneuroendocrinology | Conference of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology | 2001.8.4-8.8 | Quebec City, CANADA | 国際精神神経内分泌学会議 |
Psychosomatic Medicine | 16th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine | 2001.8.24-8.29 | Goteborg, SWEDEN | 第16回世界心身医学会議 |
Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology |
International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 13th Congress | 2001.4.26-4.28 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第13回国際精神身体産科婦人科学会議 |
Radiation Oncology | Meeting of International Congress of Radiation Oncology | 2001.1.30-2.2 | Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | 国際放射線腫瘍学会議(ICRO2001) |
Radiological | Radiological Society of North America, 87th Annual Meeting | 2001.11.25-11.30 | Chicago, IL, USA | 第87回北米放射線学会議 |
Radiological | Radiological Society of North America, 88th Annual Meeting | 2002.11.17-11.22 | Orlando, FL, USA | 第88回北米放射線学会議 |
Radiology | 13th European Congress of Radiology | 2001.3.2-3.6 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第13回欧州放射線学会議 |
Radiology | 9th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology | 2001.7.23-7.27 | Singapore | 第9回アジアオセアニア放射線学会議 |
Rehabilitation | European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation, 7th Congress | 2001.4.1-4.5 | Madrid, SPAIN | 第7回欧州リハビリテーション会議 |
Rehabilitation | International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 1st World Congress | 2001.7.7-7.13 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 第1回国際身体リハビリテーション医学議 |
Rehabilitation | European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine | 2002.6.2-6.5 | Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM | 欧州リハビリテーション医学会議 |
Renal | 38th European Renal Association / European Dialysis Transplant Association Congress | 2001.6.24-6.27 | Vienna, AUSTRIA | 第38回欧州透析移植学会議(EDTA) |
Renal | 39th European Renal Association / European Dialysis Transplant Association Congress |
2002.7.14-7.17 | Copenhagen, DENMARK | 第39回欧州透析移植学会議(EDTA) |
Renal | 40th European Renal Association / European Dialysis Transplant Association Congress |
2003.6.9-6.12 | Berlin, GERMANY | 第40回欧州透析移植学会議 |
Reproductive Immunology | VIII International Congress of Reproductive Immunology | 2001.7.2-7.6 | Optija, CROATIA | 第8回国際生殖免疫学会議 |
Rheumatism | European League against Rheumatism, 2nd Annual Congress | 2001.6.13-6.16 | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC | 第2回欧州リウマチ学会議 |
Rheumatology | ILAR - International League of Associations for Rheumatology | 2001.8.26-8.31 | Edmonton, CANADA | 国際リウマチ学会議(ILAR) |
Rheumatology | 65th American College of Rheumatology | 2001.11.11-11.15 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第65回米国リウマチ学会議 |
Rhinologic | European Rhinologic Society, 19th Congress | 2002.6.15-6.21 | Ulm, GERMANY | 第19回欧州鼻科学会議 |
Roentgen Ray | 101st Annual Meeting, The American Roentgen Ray Society | 2001.4.29-5.4 | Seattle, WA, USA | 第101回米国レントゲン学会議 |
Sexually Transmitted Infections | International Congress of Sexually Transmitted Infections ISSTDR / IUSTI 2001 | 2001.6.24-6.27 | Berlin, GERMANY | 国際性感染会議(ISSTDR/IUSTI) |
Shoulder | 8th International Congress on Surgery of the Shoulder (ICSS) | 2001.4.23-4.27 | Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA | 第8回国際肩の外科学会議 |
Sleep | 2001.10.21-10.26 | 世界睡眠学会議(WFSRS) | ||
Social Work | 3rd International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health | 2001.7.1-7.6 | Tampere, FINLAND | 第3回国際ソシアルワーク会議 |
Stroke | 2001.2.9-2.12 | 日米合同脳卒中学会 | ||
Stroke | 5th International Conference on Stroke - 2nd Conference of the Mediterranean Stroke Society | 2001.3.21-3.24 | Istanbul, TURKEY | 第5回国際脳卒中会議 |
Stroke | 10th Annual European Stroke Conference | 2001.5.16-5.19 | Lisbon, PORTUGAL | 第10回欧州脳卒中会議 |
Surgeons | American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress | 2001.10.7-10.12 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国外科学会臨床会議 |
Surgeons | American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress | 2002.10.6-10.11 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国臨床外科学会議 |
Surgeons | American College of Surgeons Clinical College | 2003.10.12-10.17 | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国臨床外科学会議 |
Surgery | Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association | 2001.4.26-4.28 | Colorado Springs, CO, USA | 米国外科学会議 |
Surgery | 39th International Surgical Week ISW2001 - 100 years Royal Belgian Society of Surgery | 2001.8.25-8.30 | Brussels, BELGIUM | 第39回万国外科学会議(ISW) |
Surgery | 13th Biennial Congress of The Asian Surgical Association Congress | 2001.11.1-11.4 | Singapore, SINGAPORE | 第13回アジア外科学会議 |
Surgical Oncology | 2001 Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology | 2001.3.15-3.18 | Washington, DC, USA | 米国外科腫瘍学会議(SSO) |
Sympathetic Surgery | 4th International Congress on Sympathetic Surgery | 2001.6.28-6.30 | Tampere, FINLAND | 第4回国際交感神経外科学会議 |
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | International Association for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, 7th Congress |
2001.9.2-9.6 | Washington, DC, USA | 第7回国際治療薬モニター・臨床毒物学会議 |
Therapeutic Radiology | European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 20th Annual Meeting | 2001.10.21-10.25 | Lisbon, PORTUGAL | 第20回欧州治療放射線腫瘍学会議 |
Therapeutic Radiology | American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 43rd Annual Meeting | 2001.11.3-11.7 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第43回米国治療放射線腫瘍会議 |
Therapeutic Radiology | European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology | 2002.9.15-9.19 | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC | 欧州治療放射線腫瘍学会議 |
Thoracic | 97th International Conference, American Thoracic Society | 2001.5.18-5.23 | San Francisco CA, USA | 第97回米国胸部学会議(ATS) |
Thoracic Surgeons | 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons | 2001.1.29-1.31 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第37回米国胸部外科学会議 |
Thoracic Surgery | 81st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery | 2001.5.6-5.9 | San Diego, CA, USA | 第81回米国胸部外科学会議(AATS) |
Thoracic Surgery | 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery | 2002.4.28-5.1 | Washington, DC, USA | 第82回米国胸部外科学会議 |
Thrombosis and Haemostasis | 19th Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis | 2003.7.12-7.18 | Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM | 第19回国際血栓止血会議 |
Thrombosis and Hemostasis | 18th Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis | 2001.7.6-7.12 | Paris, FRANCE | 第18回国際血栓止血学会議 |
Thyroid | 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association | 2001.9.12-9.16 | Washington, DC, USA | 第73回米国甲状腺学会議 |
Tinnitus | 7th International Tinnitus Seminar | 2002.3.5-3.9 | Fremantle, Western Australia | 第7回国際耳鳴りセミナー |
Titanium in Dentistry | 5th International Symposium on Titanium in Dentistry | 2001.6.30-7.1 | Makuhari, JAPAN | 第5回国際歯科チタンシンポジウム |
Toxicology | 40th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology | 2001.3.25-3.29 | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第40回米国毒物学会議 |
Toxicology | 9th International Congress of Toxicology | 2001.7.8-7.13 | Brisbane, AUSTRALIA | 第9回国際トキシコロジー学会議 |
Toxicology | Congress of the European Society of Toxicology | 2001.9.12-9.15 | Istanbul, TURKY | 欧州トキシコロジー会議 |
Transplantation | Meeting of the American Society of Transplantation | 2001.5.13-5.16 | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国移植学会議 |
Transplantation | 19th International Congress of the Transplantation Society | 2002.8.18-8.23 | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA | 第19回国際移植学会議 |
Ultrasound | European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 13th Congress | 2001.10.7-10.12 | Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM | 第13回欧州超音波医学会議 |
Ultrasound | Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 6th Congress | 2001.10.21-10.25 | Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA | 第6回アジア超音波医学会議 |
Ultrasound | 13th Euroson Congress of EFSUMB | 2001.12.11-12.14 | Edinburgh, SCOTLAND | 第13回欧州超音波医学会議 |
Ultrasound in Medicine | 45th American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Convention | 2001.3.11-3.14 | Orlando, FL, USA | 第45回米国超音波医学会議(AIUM) |
Urological | 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association | 2001.6.2-6.7 | Anaheim, CA, USA | 米国泌尿器科学会議 |
Urology | 16th Congress of the European Association of Urology | 2001.4.7-4.11 | Geneva, SWITZERLAND | 第16回欧州泌尿器科学会議 |
Urology | 97th Annual Meeting of the American Urology Association | 2002.4.13-4.18 | New York City, NY, USA | 第97回米国泌尿器科学会議 |
Urology | 17th Congress of the European Association of Urology | 2002.6.3-6.10 | Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM | 第17回欧州泌尿器科学会議 |
Urology | Societe Internationale d'Urologie, 26th Congress | 2002.9.8-9.12 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | 第26回国際泌尿器科学会議 |
Urology | 18th Congress of the European Association of Urology | 2003.3.12-3.16 | Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS | 第18回欧州泌尿器科学会議 |
Virology | European Society for Clinical Virology, 5th Annual Summer Meeting | 2001.9.2-9.5 | Lahti, FINLAND | 第5回欧州臨床ウイルス学会議 |
Virology | 15th International Congress of Virology | 2002.7.28-8.2 | Paris, FRANCE | 第15回国際ウイルス学会議 |
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