Please fill in the online registration form and send via internet.

Fees : (JYE: Japanese Yen)

December 27, 2002
December 28, 2002
Active Participants JYE 40,000 JYE 50,000
Student* JYE 30,000 JYE 35,000
Accompanying persons JYE 15,000 JYE 18,000

    The registration Fee for participants includes admission to the Sessions, Exhibition, Opening Ceremony,Welcome Reception, Banquet, Cultural Event plus all printed materials (program and abstract books), lunch tickets.

    The registration Fee for accompanying persons includes admission to the Exhibition, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception, Banquet, Cultural Event and Accompanying Person's Program, lunch tickets.

    *Those registering as student will be required to show identification at the on-site Registration Desk.



    Registration fee can be refunded (less JYE5,000 cancellation charge) upon receipt of a written notification by the Congress Secretariat no later than February 10, 2003
    No refund will be made after February 11, 2003