KEYWORD検索 2004年: 各学会ホームページへは開催年月別一覧表よりリンクしています
2004.5.27-5.29 | A.S.A.M.I. | 3rd Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I. International | Istanbul, Turkey | 第3回国際A.S.A.M.I.会議 |
2004.4.22-4.25 | Addiction Medicine | American Society of Addiction Medicine 35th Annual Medical-Scientific Conference | Washington, DC, USA | 第35回米国嗜癖医学会議 |
2004.6.2-6.5 | Addiction Medicine | International Society of Addiction Medicine | Lahti. Finland | 第6回国際嗜癖医学会議(ISAM) |
2004.3.11-3.14 | Adolescence | Society for Research on Adolescence 10th Biennial Meeting | Baltimore, MD, USA | 第10回青年期研究会議 |
2004.9.10-9.13 | aediatric Endocrinology | European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 43rd Annual Meeting | Basel, Switzerland | 第43回欧州小児内分泌学会議 |
2004.5.3-5.6 | Aerospace Medicine | Aerospace Medicine Association 75th Annual Scientific Meeting | Anchorage. Alaska | 第75回米国航空宇宙医学会議 |
2004.1.3-1.10 | Aesthetic Anti-Aging | Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Meeting | Miami, Fl, USA | 美容と老化防止医学会議 |
2004.3.14-3.17 | Aging | American Society on Aging National Council on the Aging Joint Conference | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国加齢学会 |
2004.4.14-4.17 | Aging | 2004 Joint Conference of the National Council of Aging and the American Society of Aging | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国加齢学会 |
2004.5.12-5.16 | Aging | American Geriatrics Society/American Federation for Aging Research Annual Meeting | San Antonio, TX, USA | 米国老年医学会議 |
2004.2.26-2.29 | Aging Male | 4th World Congress on the Aging Male | Prague, Czech Republic | 第4回世界男性加齢会議 |
2004.7.11-7.16 | AIDS | 15th International AIDS Conference | Bangkok, Thailand | 第15回国際AIDS会議 |
2004.9.-. | Alcholism | International Commission for the Prevention of
Alcholism and Drug Dependency World Prevention Congress |
Salzburg. Austria | 国際アルコール・薬物依存会議 |
2004.6.12-6.16 | Allergology | XXIII EAACI (European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology) Congress | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 第23回欧州アレルギーと臨床免疫学会議 |
2004.11.11-11.17 | Allergy | The Annual Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma Immunology (ACAAI 2004) | Boston, MA, USA | 米国アレルギー・喘息・免疫学会議(ACAAI) |
2004.3.19-3.24 | Allergy | American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 60th Annual Meeting | Sanfrancisco. CA. USA | 第60回米国アレルギー・喘息・免疫学会議 |
2004.5.13-5.14 | Alzheimer's Disease | Alzheimer's Disease: Update on Research, Treatment, and Care (CME conference) | San Diego, CA, USA | 米国アルツハイマー氏病会議 |
2004.10.15-10.17 | Alzheimer's Disease | 20th International Conference of the Alzheimer's Disease International | kyoto, Japan | 第20回国際アルツハイマー氏病会議 |
2004.7.17-7.22 | Alzheimer's Disease | The 9th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第9回国際アルツハイマー氏病会議 |
2004.3.23-3.28 | Anaesthesia | American Society of Regional Anaesthesia Pain Medicine 29th Annual Meeting Workshops | Orlando, FL, USA | 第29回米国局部麻酔・疼痛医学会議 |
2004.4.18-4.23 | Anaesthesiologists | 13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists | Paris, France | 第13回世界麻酔学会議 |
2004.6.5-6.8 | Anaesthesiology | European Society of Anaesthesiologist European
Academy of Anaesthesiology Euroanaesthesia Annual Meeting |
Lisboa. Portugal | 欧州麻酔学会議 |
2004.8.22-8.27 | Anatomists | 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) | Kyoto, Japan | 第16回国際解剖学会議 (IFAA) |
2004.3.26-3.28 | Andrology | 4th Asian Oceanic Congress of Andrology | Penang, Malaysia | 第4回アジアオセアニア アンドロロジー会議 |
2004.2.15-2.19 | Anesthesia | 3rd International Conference on Pain Control and Regional Anesthesia | Santiago, Chile | 第3回国際疼痛制御と局部麻酔会議 |
2004.3.11-3.14 | Anesthesia | American Society of Regional Anesthesia Annual Spring Meeting and Workshops | Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA | 米国局部麻酔春季会議 |
2004.3.27-3.31 | Anesthesia | 78th Clinical and Scientific Congress of the International Anesthesia Research Society | Tampa, FL, USA | 第78回国際麻酔研究学会議 |
2004.4.24-4.28 | Anesthesiologists | Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 26th Annual Meeting | Honolulu, HI, USA | 第26回米国心臓血管麻酔学会議 |
2004.10.23-10.27 | Anesthesiologists | Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 米国麻酔学会議 |
2004.10.22-. | Anesthesiologists | American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists 17th Annual Meeting | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 第17回米国救急治療麻酔学会議 |
2004.5.22-5.26 | Angiology | 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology | Rome, Italy | 第21回国際脈管学会議 |
2004.11.14-11.18 | Antiphospholipid Antibodies | 11th International Congress on Antiphospholipid Antibodies | Sydney, NSW, Australia | 第11回国際抗リン脂質抗体会議 |
2004.5.2-5.7 | Antiviral Research | ICAR 2004: 17th International Conference on Antiviral Research | Tucson, AZ, USA | 第17回国際抗ウイルス研究会議 |
2004.1.24-1.31 | Arrhythmias | 16th International Congress: The New Frontiers of Arrhythmias | Trento, Italy | 第16回国際不整脈会議 |
2004.4.22-4.25 | Arthroscopy | Annual Meeting of the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) | Orlando, FL, USA | 北米関節鏡検査法会議 |
2004.4.18-4.21 | Atherosclerosis | European Atherosclerosis Society 74th Congress | Valencia, Spain | 第74回欧州関節硬化学会議 |
2004.10.24-10.27 | Atherosclerosis | International Atherosclerosis Society 15th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism |
Venice. Italy | 第15回国際動脈硬化学会議 |
2004.4.1-4.4 | Audiology | American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention and Exposition | Salt Lake City, UT, USA | 米国聴覚医学会議 |
2004.6.6-6.9 | Audiology | 1st International Congress on Geriatric Audiology | Stockholm, Sweden | 第1回国際老年聴覚学会議 |
2004.9.26-9.30 | Audiology | International Society of Audiology 27th Biennial Congress | Phoenix. AZ. USA | 第27回国際聴覚医学会議 |
2004.7.7-7.9 | Barany | Barany Society XXIII International Congress | Paris France | 第23回国際バラニーソサエティ会議 |
2004.7.20-7.24 | Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies |
World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2004 (WCBCT 2004) | Kobe, Japan | 2004年世界行動療法認知療法会議 (WCBCT 2004) |
2004.9.20-9.25 | Biochemistry | Asian Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry 10th Triennial Congress | Perth. Australia | 第10回アジア太平洋臨床生化学会議 |
2004.11.22-11.25 | Biochemists and Molecular Biologists |
Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists 17th Symposium | Bangkok. Thailand | 第17回アジアオセアニア生化学・分子生物学シンポジウム |
2004.2.9-2.13 | Biological Psychiatry | International Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry | Sydney, NSW, Australia | 第8回世界生物精神医学会議 |
2004.5.17-5.19 | Biological Psychiatry | 8th Multidisciplinary Conference of Biological Psychiatry: Stress and behavior | St. Petersburg, Russia | 第8回生物精神科学会議 |
2004.4.17-4.21 | Biology | EB 2004: Experimental Biology 2004 | Washington, DC, USA | 米国実験生物学会議 |
2004.5.16-5.21 | Biomaterials | 7th World Biomaterials Congress | Sydney, NSW, Australia | 第7回世界バイオマテリアルズ会議 |
2004.2.14-2.18 | Biophysical | Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society | Baltimore, MD, USA | 生物物理学会議 |
2004.7.11-7.15 | Blood Transfusion | International Society of Blood Transfusion 28th Biennial Congress | Edinburgh. UK | 第28回国際輸血学会議 |
2004.5.13-5.15 | Bone | Bone Summit: The Clinical Science of Making New Bone | Cleveland, OH, USA | 骨サミット |
2004.10.1-10.5 | Bone | 26th Annual Meeting of theAmerican Society for Bone and Mineral Research - ASBMR 2004 | Washington, DC, USA | 第26回米国骨代謝会議 |
2004.2.20-2.22 | Bone Marrow Transplant Registry |
Meeting of the International Bone Marrow
Transplant Registry/ Autologous Blood Marrow Transplant Registry |
Orlando, FL, USA | 国際骨髄移植会議 |
2004.4.11-4.14 | Brain Electromagnetic Topography |
International Conference on Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET2004) | Urayasu, Japan | 国際脳電磁図トポグラフィー学会第15回国際会議 (ISBET2004) |
2004.2.4-2.5 | Brain Hypothermia | International Brain Hypothermia Symposium 2004 | Tokyo Japan | 国際脳低温療法学会 |
2004.2.27-2.29 | Breast Cancer | 2004 Asian Breast Cancer Conference | Taipei, Taiwan | 第4回アジア乳癌会議 |
2004.3.16-3.20 | Breast Cancer | EBCC4: The 4th European Breast Cancer Conference | Hamburg, Germany | 第4回欧州乳癌会議 |
2004.12.8-12.11 | Breast Cancer | 27th San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第27回サンアントニオ乳癌シンポジウム |
2004.8.22-8.26 | Burn Injuries | The 12th Congress of the international Society for Burn Injuries | Yokohama, Japan | 第12回国際熱傷学会 |
2004.6.5-6.9 | Calcified Tissues | 31st European Symposium on Calcified Tissues | Nice, France | 第31回欧州Calcified Tissuesシンポジウム |
2004.6.17-6.19 | Cancer | PICC 2004: The 6th International Conference Perspectives in Colorectal Cancer | Barcelona, Spain | 第6回国際直腸結腸癌会議 |
2004.8.7-8.11 | Cancer | 6th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer | Washington, DC, USA | 第6回国際頭頚部癌会議 |
2004.1.25-1.29 | Cancer Research | 6th AACR-Japanese Cancer Association Joint
Conference: Advances in Cancer Research: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Targeted Therapeutics, Novel Clinical Trials, Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology/Prevention |
Waikoloa, HI, USA | 第6回米国癌研究会議(AACR)−日本癌学会合同会議 |
2004.3.27-3.31 | Cancer Research | American Association for Cancer Research 95th Annual Meeting | Orlando, FL, USA | 第95回米国癌研究会議(AACR) |
2004.7.3-7.6 | Cancer Research | 18th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research | Innsbruck, Austria | 第18回欧州癌研究会議(EACR) |
2004.6.14-6.17 | Cardiac Care | 4th International Meeting on Intensive Cardiac Care | Jerusalem, Israel | 第4回国際集中心臓治療会議 |
2004.5.23-5.26 | Cardiac Rehabilitation | 8th World Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention | Dublin, Ireland | 第8回世界心臓リハビリテーション会議 |
2004.1.14-1.17 | Cardiology | 14th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology | Singapore, Singapore | 第14回アジア太平洋心臓学会議 |
2004.3.7-3.10 | Cardiology | 53rd Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第53回米国心臓学会議(ACC) |
2004.3.22-3.26 | Cardiology | The 19th Annual Interventional Cardiology 2004: The International Symposium | Snowmass Village, CO, USA | 第19回米国インターベンショナル心臓学会議 |
2004.10.23-10.27 | Cardiology | 15th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology | Pattaya, Thailand | 第15回 ASEAN心臓学会議 |
2004.8.28-9.1 | Cardiology | European Society of Cardiology 26th Annual Congress (ESC) | Munich. Germany | 第26回欧州心臓学会議 (ESC) |
2004.9.9-9.12 | Cardiothoracic | 9th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia | Tokyo, Japan | 第9回国際胸部心臓血管麻酔学会議 |
2004.3.25-3.30 | Cardiovascular | 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology | Phoenix, AZ, USA | 第29回米国心臓血管・インターベンショナル ラジオロジー会議 |
2004.3.28-3.30 | Cardiovascular Surgery | 9th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery | Nagoya, Japan | 第9回アジ心臓血管外科学会議 |
2004.6.2-6.5 | Cardiovascular Surgery | 53rd International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery | Ljubljana, Slovenia | 第53回欧州心臓血管外科学会議 |
2004.2.28-3.6 | Cardiovascular Surgical | 22nd International Cardiovascular Surgical Symposium | Arlberg, Austria | 第22回国際心臓血管外科シンポジウム |
2004.5.26-5.29 | Cartilage Repair | International Cartilage Repair Society, 5th Symposium | Ghent, Belgium | 第5回国際軟骨会議 |
2004.5.1-5.5 | Cataract and Refractive Surgery |
2004 Annual Symposium and Congress of the
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery |
San Diego, CA, USA | 米国白内障学会議 |
2004.5.11-5.15 | Cell and Molecular Biology | The 11th International Conference on
the Cell and Molecular Biology of Clamydomonas | Kobe, Japan | 第11回クラミドモナス国際分子細胞生物学会議 |
2004.2.1-2.4 | Cerebrovascular Surgery | Joint Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on
Cerebrovascular Surgery the American Society of Interventioanl and Therapeutic Neuroradiology |
San Diego, CA, USA | 米国AANS・CNS脳血管外科、神経放射線治療合同会議 |
2004.3.28-4.1 | Chemical | 27th Meeting of the American Chemical Society | Anaheim, CA, USA | 第27回米国化学会議 |
2004.10.30-11.2 | Chemotherapy | 44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy(ICAAC) | San Diego, CA, USA | 第44回インターサイエンス会議(ICAAC) |
2004.9.19-9.22 | Child Abuse | ISPCAN 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect | Brisbane, QLD, Australia | 第15回国際小児虐待会議(ISPCAN ) |
2004.7.11-7.14 | Chirality | Chirality-2004: 16th International Symposium on Chirality (ISCD) | New York, NY, USA | 第16回国際キラリティシンポジウム |
2004.6.22-6.26 | Cholesteatoma | 7th International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery | Hague, Netherlands | 第7回国際真珠腫・耳科外科学会議 |
2004.7.25-7.29 | Clinical Chemistry | 56th National Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) | Los Angeles, CA, USA | 第56回米国臨床化学会議 (AACC) |
2004.3.24-3.27 | Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics |
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics | Miami Beach, FL, USA | 米国臨床薬理学会議 |
2004.5.10-5.13 | Cochlear Implant | 8th International Cochlear Implant Conference | Indianapolis, ID, USA | 第8回国際人工内耳学会議 |
2004.5.2-5.5 | Cochlear Implantation | European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation | Geneva, Switzerland | 欧州人工内耳学会議 |
2004.9.7-9.11 | Cognitive Therapies | European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies 34th Annual General Meeting | Manchester. UK | 第34回欧州行動認識療法会議 |
2004.5.8-5.13 | Colon and Rectal Surgeons | American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Convention | Dallas. TX. USA | 米国直腸結腸外科学会議 |
2004.3.29-4.1 | Coloproctology | 8th International Meeting of Coloproctology - Biennial course | Ivrea - Saint Vincent, Italy | 第8回国際直腸結腸学会議 |
2004.2.15-2.17 | Colorectal Cancer | 2nd Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress 2004 | Noordwijk, Netherlands | 第2回直腸結腸癌会議 |
2004.2.11-2.14 | Colorectal Disease | 15th Annual International Colorectal Disease Symposium | Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA | 第15回国際直腸結腸疾患シンポジウム |
2004.3.9-3.12 | Coma and Death | IV International Symposium on Coma and Death | Havana, Cuba | 第4回国際昏睡と死会議 |
2004.8.25-8.27 | Continence | 34th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society | Paris, France | 第34回国際コンティネンス会議 |
2004.1.29-2.1 | Cosmetic Surgery | American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 20th Scientific Meeting | Hollywood, FL, USA | 第20回米国美容外科学会議 |
2004.6.12-6.14 | Cosmetology | 10th International Congress on Cosmetology and Applied Aesthetics | Buenos Aires. Argentina | 第10回国際美容術会議 |
2004.9.7-9.11 | Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery |
European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 17th Biennial Congress | Tours. France | 第17回欧州頭蓋顎顔面外科学会議 |
2004.6.10-6.13 | Critical Care Medicine | The 13th Congress of the Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine | Seoul, Korea, Republic of | 第13回西太平洋救急治療医学会議 |
2004.6.13-6.17 | Cystic Fibrosis | 27th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference | Birmingham, England, UK | 第27回欧州嚢胞性線維症会議 |
2004.4.11-4.15 | Cytology | XV International Congress of Cytology | Santiago, Chile | 第15回国際細胞学会議 |
2004.5.22-5.27 | Cytology | International Society for Analytical Cytology 22nd Congress | Montpellier. France | 第22回国際分析細胞学会議 |
2004.5.29-5.30 | Deaf | Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing International Convention | Como. Italy | アレキサンダー グラハム ベル国際難聴会議 |
2004.9.13-9.20 | Dental | FDI - World Dental Federation 92nd Annual World Congress | Copenhagen. Denmark | 第92回国際歯科学連盟会議(FDI) |
2004.10.1-10.4 | Dental | 2004 Annual Session of the American Dental Association | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国歯科学会議 |
2004.5.-. | Dental | Asian Pacific Dental Federation 26th Congress | Hong Kong. China | 第26回アジア太平洋歯科学会議 |
2004.3.6-3.10 | Dental Education | 81st Annual Session Exposition of the American Dental Education Association | Seattle, WA, USA | 第81回米国歯科教育学会議 |
2004.6.23-6.30 | Dental Hygienists | 2004 Annual Session of the American Dental Hygienists' Association | Dallas, TX, USA | 米国歯科衛生学会議 |
2004.7.8-7.11 | Dental Hygienists | International Federation of Dental Hygienists 16th International Symposium | Madrid. Spain | 第16回国際歯科衛生学シンポジウム |
2004.3.3-3.7 | Dental Practice Administration |
2004 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration | Tucson, AZ, USA | 米国開業歯科会議 |
2004.3.10-3.13 | Dental Research | International Association for Dental Research 82nd General Session | Honolulu, HI, USA | 第82回国際歯科学研究会議 |
2004.2.21-2.22 | Dentistry | 74th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry | Chicago, IL, USA | 第74回米国Restorative歯科学会議 |
2004.4.27-5.2 | Dentistry | 2004 Annual Scientific Session of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry | Vancouver, BC, Canada | 米国美容歯科学会議 |
2004.5.27-6.1 | Dentistry | 2004 Annual Session of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国小児歯科学会議 |
2004.7.17-7.19 | Dentistry | 8th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry | Nagoya, Japan | 第8回アジア歯科審美学会学術大会 |
2004.10.-. | Dentistry | Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia 4th Conference | Thailand | 第4回アジア小児歯科学会議 |
2004.6.9-6.12 | Dermatitis | 7th Congress European Society of Contact Dermatitis | Copenhagen, Denmark | 第7回欧州接触皮膚炎会議 |
2004.10.-. | Dermatologic Surgery | International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 25th Annual Conference | Barcelona. Spain | 第25回国際皮膚外科学会議 |
2004.2.6-2.11 | Dermatology | 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology | Orlando, FL, USA | 第62回米国皮膚科学アカデミー会議 |
2004.4.1-4.3 | Dermatology | Clinical Dermatology 2004 | Vienna, Austria | 臨床皮膚科学会議 |
2004.4.12-4.18 | Dermatology | The 4th World Congress of the International Academy for Cosmetic Dermatology | Cairo, Egypt | 第4回国際美容皮膚科学会議 |
2004.4.29-5.1 | Dermatology | 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology | Providence, RI, USA | 第65回米国研究皮膚科学会議 |
2004.5.19-5.22 | Dermatology | International Congress on Dermatology | Beijing, China | 国際皮膚科学会議 |
2004.3.5-3.10 | Dermatology | American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting | Orlando. FL. USA | 米国皮膚科学会議 |
2004.6.4-6.8 | Diabetes | 64th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association | Orlando, FL, USA | 第64回米国糖尿病学会議 |
2004.9.5-9.9 | Diabetes | 40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes | Munich, Germany | 第40回欧州糖尿病学会議 |
2004.11.3-11.6 | Diabetes | 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Adolescent Diabetes | Singapore, Singapore | 第30回国際児童糖尿病学会議 |
2004.3.8-3.13 | Diagnostic Imaging | 11th Annual Breast Imaging and Update in General Diagnostic Imaging | Hallendale, FL, USA | 第11回胸部造影・一般診断造影会議 |
2004.9.4-9.7 | Dialysis | 33rd EDTNA/ERCA Conference | Geneva, Switzerland | 第33回欧州腎臓・透析移植看護会議(ERCA/EDTNA) |
2004.5.15-5.18 | Dialysis and Transplant | 41st ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association and
the European Dialysis and Transplant Association) Congress |
Lisbon, Portugal | 第4回欧州透析移植学会議(ERA-EDTA) |
2004.5.28-5.31 | Dietetics | 14th International Congress of Dietetics | Chicago, IL, USA | 第14回国際食餌療法学会議 |
2004.10.4-10.7 | Digestive | the 4th Asia Pacific Digestive Week (APDW2004) | Beijing, China | 第4回アジア・太平洋消化器病週間(APDW 2004) |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Digestive Disease | Digestive Disease Week 2004 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国消化器病週間(DDW) |
2004.12.8-12.11 | Digestive Surgery | 19th World Congress of International Society for Digestive Surgery (ISDS) | Yokohama, Japan | 第19回国際消化器外科学会議 (ISDS) |
2004.6.16-6.19 | Disabilities | International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities 12th Congress | Montpellier. France | 第12回国際知的障害研究会議 |
2004.8.25-8.29 | Disability and Oral Health | 17th Congress of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health | Calgary, AB, Canada | 第17回国際Disabilityと口腔衛生会議 |
2004.6.1-6.6 | Diving Medicine | Marine Envenomation / Diving Medicine | Noumea, New Caledonia | 潜水医学会議 |
2004.6.27-7.1 | Electrocardiology | The 31st International Congress of Electrocardiology | Kyoto, Japan | 第31回世界心電学会 |
2004.8.22-8.27 | Electron Microscopy | 13th European Congress on Electron Microscopy | Antwerpen. Belgium | 第13回欧州電子顕微鏡会議 |
2004.6.7-6.11 | Electron Microscopy | 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy (8APEM) | Kanazawa, Japan | 第8回アジア太平洋電子顕微鏡学会議(8APEM) |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Emergency Medicine | Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2004 Annual Meeting | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国救急医学会議 |
2004.5.24-5.27 | Emergency Medicine | 10th International Conference on Emergency Medicine | Cairns, QLD, Australia | 第10回国際救急医学会議 |
2004.6.6-6.10 | Emergency Medicine | International Federation of Emergency Medicine 10th International Conference on Emergency Medicine | Cairns. Australia | 第10回国際救急医学会議 |
2004.10.17-10.20 | Emergency Physicians | Scientific Assembly 2004 of the American College of Emergency Physicians | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国救急医師会議 |
2004.9.29-10.2 | Endo | 13th International Congress and Endo Expo 2004 | New York, NY, USA | 第13回国際腹部内視鏡会議 Endo Expo 2004 |
2004.6.16-6.19 | Endocrine | Endocrine Society 86th Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第86回米国内分泌学会議 |
2004.11.10-11.13 | Endocrine | European Joint Meeting of Endocrine Surgery -
XXIV Congresso Nazionale S.I.E.C. (SocietItaliana di EndocrinoChirurgia) |
Genova, Italy | 欧州内分泌外科学会議 |
2004.5.6-5.8 | Endocrine Diseases | The 2nd International Congress on Adult Consequences of Childhood Endocrine Diseases | Athens, Greece | 第2回国際少年期内分泌疾患の影響会議 |
2004.10.10-10.12 | Endocrine Disorders | The 7th International Congress on Endocrine Disorders | Tehran, Iran | 第7回国際内分泌疾患会議 |
2004.3.27-3.30 | Endocrinology | 11th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology | Florence, Italy | 第11回世界婦人科内分泌学会議 |
2004.4.28-5.2 | Endocrinology | American Association of Clinical Endocrinology Annual Meeting 2004 | Boston, MA, USA | 米国臨床内分泌学会議 |
2004.8.31-9.4 | Endocrinology | 12th International Congress of Endocrinology | Lisbon, Portugal | 第12回国際内分泌学会議 |
2004.8.23-8.27 | Endocrinology | European Society for Comparative Endocrinology 22nd Biennial Conference | Uppsala. Sweden | 第22回欧州比較内分泌学会議 |
2004.3.26-3.30 | Endocrinology | 5th International Congress of Asia Oceania Society for Comperative Endocrinology | Nara, Japan | 第5回アジア・オセアニア比較内分泌学会国際会議 |
2004.4.11-4.14 | Endocrinology Surgeons | American Association of Endocrinology Surgeons 25th Annual Meeting | Charlottesville, VA, USA | 第25回米国内分泌外科会議 |
2004.9.8-9.11 | Endodontic | International Federation of Endodontic Associations 6th World Congress | Brisbane. Australia | 第6回国際歯内治療学会議 |
2004.5.5-5.9 | Endodontists | 61st Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontists | Anaheim, CA, USA | 第61回米国歯内治療学会議 |
2004.9.9-9.12 | Endometriosis | International Endometriosis Symposium :Current Trends and Advances in Treatment | Antalya, Turkey | 国際子宮内膜症シンポジウム |
2004.2.2-2.7 | Endoscopic Surgery | 9th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 6th
Latinamerican Congressof Endoscopic Surgery, 13th Mexican Congress of Endoscopic Surgery |
Cancun, Mexico | 第9回世界内視鏡外科学会議 |
2004.6.9-6.12 | Endoscopic Surgery | 12th European Association for Endoscopic Surgery Congress | Barcelona, Spain | 第12回欧州内視鏡外科学会議 |
2004.5.5-5.8 | Endosurgery in Children | IPEG's 13th Annual Congress for Endosurgery in Children | Maui, HI, USA | 第13回小児エンドサージェリー会議 |
2004.11.15-11.18 | Endotoxin | The 8th Conference of the International Endotoxin Society | Kyoto, Japan | 第8回国際エンドトキシン学会 |
2004.8.28-9.6 | Engineering in Medicine | 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第26回国際エム・イー学会議 |
2004.2.23-2.27 | Environmental Health | International Federation of Environmental Health 8th World Congress | Durban. South Africa | 第8回国際環境衛生学会議 |
2004.8.1-8.4 | Epidermiology | International Society of Environmental Epidermiology 16th Conference | New York. NY. USA | 第16回国際環境疫学会議 |
2004.12.3-12.8 | Epilepsy | American Epilepsy Society 58th Annual Meeting | New Orleans. LA. USA | 第58回米国てんかん学会議 |
2004.5.30-6.3 | Epileptology | International League Against Epilepsy 6th European Congress on Epileptology | Vienna. Austria | 第6回欧州てんかん学会議 |
2004.5.27-5.29 | Esophagus | International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus 9th Triennial Congress | Madrid. Spain | 第9回国際気管食道学会議(ISDE) |
2004.5.19-5.22 | Eye Diseases | International Society for Genetic Eye Diseases
11th International Retinoblastoma Symposium |
Paris. France | 第11回国際網膜芽腫会議 |
2004.8.29-9.3 | Eye Research | XVI International Congress of Eye Research | Sydney, NSW, Australia | 第16回国際眼研究会議 |
2004.10.13-10.17 | Family Doctors | 17th World Conference of Family Doctors | Orlando, FL, USA | 第17回世界家庭医会議 |
2004.5.23-5.28 | Fertility and Sterility | 18th World Congress onハFertility and Sterility | Montreal, QC, Canada | 第18回世界不妊学会議 |
2004.3.8-3.11 | Fertility and Sterility | The 4th Conference of the Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility | Nago, Okinawa, Japan | 第4回環太平洋不妊会議 |
2004.4.23-4.26 | Fetus | XX International Congress of the Society "The Fetus as Patient" | Fukuoka, Japan | 第20回国際胎児病学会 |
2004.3.21-3.25 | Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis | XII International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis | Melbourne, Australia | 第12回国際線溶学会議 |
2004.9.25-9.30 | Gastroenterology | United European Gastroenterology Federation 12th Annual Congress | Prague. Czech | 第12回欧州消化器病週間 |
2004.6.15-6.19 | Gastrointestinal | European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology 15th Annual Meeting | Geneva. Switzerland | 第15回欧州消化器・腹部放射線学会議 |
2004.12.2-12.4 | Gastrointestinal Cancer | International Gastrointestinal Cancer Research Conference 2004 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 国際消化器癌研究会議 |
2004.2.19-2.21 | Gastrointestinal Carcinogenesis |
3rd International Congress on Gastrointestinal Carcinogenesis | Houston, TX, USA | 第3回国際消化器発癌会議 |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Gastrointestinal Endoscopy |
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国消化器内視鏡会議 |
2004.11.-. | Gene Therapy | European Society of Gene Therapy Annual Congress | Helsinki. Finland | 欧州遺伝治療学会議 |
2004.10.15-10.16 | Geriatric Oncology | The 9th International Conference on Geriatric
Oncology - Cancer in the Elderly, The 5th Meeting of SIOG |
San Francisco, CA, USA | 第9回国際老年腫瘍学会議 |
2004.3.12-3.15 | Geriatric Psychiatry | 17th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry | Baltimore, MD, USA | 第17回米国老年精神学会議 |
2004.10.3-10.7 | Gynecologic Cancer | International Gynecologic Cancer Society 10th Biennial Congress | Edinburgh. UK | 第10回国際婦人科癌学会議 |
2004.2.4-2.7 | Gynecologic Oncologists | 34th Annual Meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists | San Diego, CA, USA | 第34回米国婦人科腫瘍学会議 |
2004.5.8-5.11 | Gynecology | 14th Congress on Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology | Athens, Greece | 第14回未成年婦人科学会議 |
2004.6.10-6.13 | Haematology | EHA-9: 9th Congress of the European Haematology Association | Geneva, Switzerland | 第9回欧州血液学会議 |
2004.1.14-1.17 | Hand Surgery | American Association for Hand Surgery's 34th Annual Meeting | Palm Springs, CA, USA | 第34回米国手の外科学会議 |
2004.6.13-6.17 | Hand Surgery | 9th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgeries of the Hand | Budapest, Hungary | 第9回国際手の外科学会議 |
2004.9.9-9.11 | Hand Surgery | 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand | New York, NY, USA | 第59回米国手の外科学会議(ASSH) |
2004.11.26-11.29 | Hand Surgery | The 5th Congress of the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand | Osaka, Japan | 第5回アジア太平洋手の外科学会 (5th APFSSH) |
2004.6.27-6.30 | Hand Therapy | International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy 6th Triennial Congress | Edinburgh. UK | 第6回国際ハンドセラピー会議 |
2004.6.14-6.18 | Headache | 7th Headache Congress - European Headache Federation | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 第7回欧州頭痛会議 |
2004.4.30-. | Headache | America Headache Society 46th Annual Meeting | Philadelphia. PA. USA | 第46回米国頭痛学会議 |
2004.4.21-4.25 | Headache | VI International Congress on Headache in Children and Adolescents | Vienna, Austria | 第6回国際児童青年頭痛会議 |
2004.6.1-6.4 | Headache | 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第46回米国頭痛学会議 |
2004.1.10-1.12 | Health | International Association for Adolescent Health Asia-Pacific Regional Congress | Hong Kong. China | 国際青年期の健康アジア太平洋地区会議 |
2004.4.25-4.29 | Health | 18th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education | Melbourne, Australia | 第18回世界健康増進・教育会議 |
2004.9.-. | Health Care | International Society for System Science in Health Care Congress | Geneva. Switzerland | 国際ヘルスケア システムサイエンス会議 |
2004.10.21-10.23 | Hearing Aid | 49th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians Exposition | Frankfurt. Germany | 第49回国際補聴器会議 |
2004.11.7-11.10 | Heart | 77th Scientific Session, American Heart Association (AHA) | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第77回米国心臓病学会議(AHA) |
2004.4.2-4.4 | Heart Disease | 3rd European Conference on Management of Coronary Heart Disease | Nice, France | 第3回欧州冠状心臓病会議 |
2004.7.17-7.20 | Heart Disease | 4th World Congress on Heart Disease | Vancouver, BC, Canada | 第4回世界心臓疾患会議 |
2004.4.4-4.6 | Heart Failure | World Heart Federation 2nd Asian Pacific Congress of Heart Failure | Singapore. Singapore | 第2回アジア太平洋心不全会議 |
2004.8.7-8.11 | Heart Research | International Society for Heart Research 18th World Congress | Brisbane. Australia | 第18回国際心臓研究会議 |
2004.7.17-7.20 | Hematology | 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第33回国際実験血液学会議 |
2004.9.24-9.28 | Hematology | XXXth World Congress of the International Society of Hematology | Istanbul. Turkey | 第30回国際血液学会議 |
2004.9.1-9.5 | Hematology | Xth Congress of the International Society of Hematology, Asian-Pacific Division | Nagoya, Japan | 第10回国際血液学会アジア太平洋学術集会 |
2004.12.4-12.7 | Hematology | The American Society of Hematology 46th Annual Meeting and Exposition | San Diego, CA, USA | 第46回米国血液学会議 |
2004.10.17-10.21 | Hemophilia | XXVI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia | Bangkok. Thailand | 第26回国際血友病学会議 |
2004.4.24-. | Hepato-Biliary and Gastroenterology |
6th Annual Hepato-Biliary and Gastroenterology Diseases for Practitioners | Baltimore, MD, USA | 第6回米国肝胆・消化器病開業医会議 |
2004.6.2-6.6 | Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary |
6th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association | Washington, DC, USA | 第6回世界肝胆膵会議 |
2004.12.14-12.16 | Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences | Hong Kong, China | 第4回国際肝細胞癌会議 |
2004.7.24-7.28 | Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
International Federation of Societies for
Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 12th Quadrennial Congress |
La Jolla. CA. USA | 第12回国際組織細胞化学会議 |
2004.4.29-5.1 | History of Medicine | American Association for the History of Medicine 2004 Annual Meeting | Madison, WI, USA | 米国医学史会議 |
2004.9.5-9.10 | History of Medicine | International Congress on the History of Medicine | Bari, Italy | 国際医学史会議 |
2004.6.3-6.5 | HIV | 13th International Symposium on HIV Emerging Infectious Diseases | Toulon, France | 第13回国際会HIV・突発感染症学議 |
2004.6.14-6.18 | HIV | 7th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection | Glasgow, Scotland, UK | 第7回国際HIV薬物治療会議 |
2004.10.18-10.22 | Homeopathic | International Homeopathic Medical League 59th Congress | Buenos Aires. Argentina | 第59回国際ホメオパシー医学会議 |
2004.6.27-6.30 | Human Reproduction | 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology | Berlin, Germany | 第20回欧州ヒト生殖・胎生学会議 |
2004.5.19-5.22 | Hypertension | 19th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension | New York, NY, USA | 第19回米国高血圧学会議 |
2004.6.13-6.16 | Hypertension | 14th European Meeting on Hypertension - European Society of Hypertension | Paris, France | 第14回欧州高血圧学会議 |
2004.2.15-2.19 | Hypertension | International Society of Hypertension 20th Biennial Scientific Meeting | Sao Paulo. Brazil | 第20回国際高血圧学会議 |
2004.9.5-9.9 | Hypertension in Pregnancy | International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14th World Congress | Rio de Janeiro. Brazil | 第14回国際妊娠高血圧会議 |
2004.7.18-7.23 | Immunology | The 12th International Congress of Immunology
and the 4th Annual Conference of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies |
Montreal, QC, Canada | 第12回国際免疫学会議 |
2004.12.8-12.11 | Immunosuppression | The 3rd International Congress on Immunosuppression | San Diego, CA, USA | 第3回国際免疫抑制会議 |
2004.6.30-. | Infant Mental Health | World Association for Infant Mental Health 9th Biennial World Congress | Melbourne. Australia | 第9回世界幼児精神衛生会議 |
2004.10.17-10.20 | Infections | European Society for Emerging Infections 3rd Congress | Maisons Alfort. France | 第3回欧州緊急感染会議 |
2004.3.4-3.6 | Infectious Diseases | 11th International Congress on Infectious Diseases | Cancun, Mexico | 第11回国際感染症会議 |
2004.5.26-5.28 | Infectious Diseases | 22 Annual Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases - ESPID | Tampere, Finland | 第22回欧州小児感染症会議 |
2004.4.30-. | Infectious Diseases | 24th Annual Infectious Diseases Symposium | Omaha, NE, USA | 第24回米国感染症会議 |
2004.6.6-6.9 | Injury Prevention | 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion | Vienna, Austria | 第7回世界外傷予防会議 |
2004.10.10-10.13 | Intensive Care Medicine | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 17th Annual Congress | Berlin. Germany | 第17回欧州集中治療医学会議 |
2004.10.-. | Interferon and Cytokine | International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research Congress | Melbourne. Australia | 国際インターフェロン・サイトカイン会議 |
2004.5.12-5.15 | Internal Medicine | 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine | Chicago, IL, USA | 第27回米国一般内科学会議 |
2004.9.16-. | Internal Medicine | International Society of Internal Medicine 27th Biennial Congress | Granada. Spain | 第27回国際内科学会議 |
2004.9.20-9.23 | Ion Chromatography | IICS-2004: 17th International Ion Chromatography Symposium | Trier, Germany | 第17回国際イオン クロマトグラフィーシンポジウム |
2004.6.12-6.14 | Kinesiology | 9th International Kinesiology, Aesthetics and Therapeutic Congress | Buenos Aires. Argentina | 第9回国際運動学会議 |
2004.2.4-2.7 | Laparoscopy | Asian American Multi Specialty Congress of Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery | Honolulu, HI, USA | アジア・アメリカ腹腔鏡Minimally Invasive Surgery会議 |
2004.7.10-7.14 | Laryngological | European Laryngological Society 5th Biennial Congress | Estoril. Portugal | 第5回欧州咽喉学会議 |
2004.4.1-4.5 | Laser Medicine | 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery | Dallas, TX, USA | 第24回米国レーザー外科・内科学会議 |
2004.5.23-5.28 | Lectin | INTERLEC 21, The 21st International Lectin Meeting | Hayama-machi, Japan | 第21回国際レクチン会議 |
2004.4.4-4.10 | Legal | Europe Oceania Medico-Legal Conference | Cervinia, Italy | 欧州オセアニア法医学会議 |
2004.12.12-12.17 | Leucocyte | 8th International Workshop in Human Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens | Adelaide, SA, Australia | 第8回国際白血球分化抗原ワークショップ |
2004.3.16-3.20 | Liver | Biennial Scientific Meeting of the IASL/18th Meeting of the ALEH | Bahia, Brazil | 第18回国際肝臓学会議(IASL) |
2004.4.14-4.18 | Liver | European Association for the Study of the Liver 39th Annual Congress | Berlin. Germany | 第39回欧州肝臓学会議(EASL) |
2004.6.10-6.12 | Liver | The 10th Annual Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society | Kyoto, Japan | 第10回国際肝移植学会 |
2004.10.29-11.2 | Liver Diseases | 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases | Boston, MA, USA | 米国肝臓学会議(AASLD) |
2004.11.10-11.13 | Low Back | 5th World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain | Melbourne, Australia | 第5回世界骨盤会議 |
2004.2.24-2.28 | Lumbar Spine | International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 2004 Annual Meeting | Porto, Portugal | 国際腰椎研究会議 |
2004.5.5-5.8 | Luminescence | XIth International Symposium on Luminescence
Spectrometry in Biomedical and Environmental Analysis |
Beijing, China | 第11回国際環境生物医学ルミネセンス スペクトロメトリー会議 |
2004.10.-. | Lymphoreticular | The 8th Japanese-Korean Lymphoreticular Workshop | Niigata, Japan | 第8回日韓リンパ網内系ワークショップ |
2004.9.9-9.12 | Magnetic Resonance | European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology 21st Annual Congress | Copenhagen. Denmark | 第21回欧州磁気共鳴医学会議 |
2004.5.15-5.21 | Magnetic Resonance | 12th Scientific Meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Kyoto, Japan | 第12回国際磁気共鳴医学会年次大会 |
2004.3.21-3.26 | Manipulative Therapy | 8th Congress of the International Federation of Manipulative Therapy | Cape Town, South Africa | 第8回国際手技治療会議 |
2004.10.20-10.23 | Maxillofacial Surgery | 6th Asian Conference on Maxillofacial Surgery | Makuhari, Tokyo | 第6回アジア口腔額顔面外科学会総会 |
2004.10.6-10.10 | Medical | WMA General Assembly Tokyo 2004 | Tokyo, Japan | 2004年世界医師会東京総会 |
2004.9.7-9.11 | Medical Informatics | International Medical Informatics Association 11th MEDINFO Triennial World Congress | San Francisco. CA. USA | 第11回国際医学情報学会議(MEDINFO) |
2004.7.28-8.1 | Medical Women | Medical Women's International Congress | Tokyo, Japan | 第26回国際女医会議 |
2004.8.15-8.19 | Medicinal Chemistry | European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry 18th International Symposium | Copenhagen. Denmark | 第18回欧州医化学会議 |
2004.3.9-3.12 | Menopause | 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Asia Pacific Menopause Federation | Pattaya, Thailand | 第2回アジア太平洋更年期学会議 |
2004.6.1-6.4 | Mental Retardation | American Association on Mental Retardation 128th Annual Meeting | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第128回米国精神遅滞会議 |
2004.5.1-5.4 | Microbiology | 14th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology Infectious Diseases | Prague, Czech Republic | 第14回欧州臨床微生物学・感染症会議 |
2004.5.24-5.27 | Microbiology | American Society for Microbiology 104thハGeneral Meeting | New Orleans, LA, USA | 第104回米国微生物学会議 |
2004.9.8-9.10 | Microcirculation | 23rd European Conference on Microcirculation | Lisbon, Portugal | 第23回欧州微小循環会議 |
2004.5.20-5.22 | Microsurgery | EUROMICRO 2004: 7th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery | Sitges, Spain | 第7回欧州マイクロサージェリー会議 |
2004.5.28-5.31 | Musculoskeletal | International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Intractions 4th Workshop | Halkidiki. Greece | 第4回国際筋骨格ニューロンイントラクション会議 |
2004.10.-. | Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography |
International Society of Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography 7th Congress | Ohrid. Machedonia | 第7回国際筋骨格超音波検査法会議 |
2004.2.18-2.20 | Nano-Biothechnology | International Symposium on Nano-Biothechnology
6th International Conference on Protein Phosphatases |
Okayama, Japan | ナノ・バイオテクノロジー国際シンポジウム及び 第6回プロテインホスファターゼ国際カンファレンス |
2004.4.15-4.18 | Nephrology | 35th Annual National Symposium of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association | Washington, DC, USA | 第35回米国腎臓学看護会議 |
2004.10.27-11.1 | Nephrology | 37th Annual Meeting Scientific Expositionハof the American Academy of Nephrology | St. Louis, MO, USA | 第37回米国腎臓学会議 |
2004.7.15-7.21 | Neuro Ophtalmology | International Neuro Ophtalmology Society 15th Biennial Symposium | Geneva. Switzerland | 第15回国際神経眼科シンポジウム |
2004.10.1-10.14 | Neuro-Oncology | 6th Congress of the European Assoication for Neuro-Oncology EANO VI | Jerusalem, Israel | 第6回欧州神経腫瘍学会議 |
2004.6.20-6.24 | Neuro- Psychopharmacologicum |
24th Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP) Congress | Paris, France | 第24回国際神経精神薬理学会議(CINP) |
2004.9.16-9.18 | Neurogastroenterology | European Society of Neurogastroenterology and
Gastrointestinal Motility 12th Biennial Symposium |
Cambridge. UK | 第12回欧州神経消化器病学・胃腸モーティリティシンポジウム |
2004.9.28-10.2 | Neuroimmunology | 7th International Congress of Neuroimmunology | Venice, Italy | 第7回国際神経免疫学会議 |
2004.6.26-6.30 | Neurological | European Neurological Society 14th Annual Congress | Barcelona. Spain | 第14回欧州神経学会議 |
2004.9.4-9.7 | Neurological | 8th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress | Paris, France | 第8回欧州神経科学会議 |
2004.10.3-10.6 | Neurological | 129th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association | Toronto, ON, Canada | 第129回米国神経学会議 |
2004.5.1-5.6 | Neurological Surgeons | American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2004 Anual Meeting | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国脳神経外科学会議 |
2004.4.24-5.1 | Neurology | AAN (American Academy of Neurology) 56th Annual Meeting | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第56回米国神経学会議 |
2004.6.3-6.6 | Neurology | 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology | Singapore, Singapore | 第11回アジアオセアニア神経学会議 |
2004.8.22-8.26 | Neurology | 1st World Congress of Development Neurology | Ljubljana. Slovenia | 第1回世界発達神経学会議 |
2004.5.17-5.21 | Neuromediterran仔 | Neuromediterran仔 VI | Istanbul, Turkey | 地中海神経学会議(NEUROMED VI) |
2004.3.25-3.28 | Neurootologic | 31th Annual Meeting of the NES (Neurootologic and Equilibriometric Society) | Bad Kissingen - Germany | 第31回国際平衡神経科学会総会(NES) |
2004.5.5-5.9 | Neuropharmacology | 7th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology (ESCNP) | Trieste, Italy | 第7回欧州臨床神経薬理学会議 (ESCNP) |
2004.10.9-10.13 | Neuropsychopharmacology | 17th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology | Stockholm, Sweden | 第17回欧州精神神経薬理学会議 |
2004.12.12-12.16 | Neuropsychopharmacology | 43rd American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Annual Meeting | San Juan, Puerto Rico | 第43回米国神経精神薬理学会議(ACNP) |
2004.6.5-6.11 | Neuroradiology | American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) - 42nd Annual Meeting | Seattle, Washington, USA | 第42回米国神経放射線会議 |
2004.9.8-9.11 | Neuroradiology | European Society of Neuroradiology 29th Annual Congress | Aachen. Germany | 第29回欧州神経放射線学会議 |
2004.9.-. | Neuroradiology | Asian and Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head and Neck Radiology 5th Congress | Beijing. China | 第5回アジアオセアニア神経放射線・頭頚部放射線学会議 |
2004.10.23-10.28 | Neuroscience | 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience | San Diego, CA, USA | 第34回米国ニューロサイエンス会議 |
2004.7.10-7.14 | Neuroscience | 4th Forum of European Neuroscience | Lisbon, Portugal | 第4回欧州ニューロサイエンスフォーラム |
2004.10.4-. | Neurosurgical | The Second American-Japanese Neurosurgical Friendship Symposium | Nagoya, Japan | 第2回日米脳神経外科友好シンポジウム |
2004.9.12-9.16 | Neurotrauma | 7th International Neurotrauma Symposium | Adelaide, Australia | 第7回国際神経外傷シンポジウム |
2004.8.30-9.3 | Nondestructive Testing | 16th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing (WCNDT 2004) | Montreal, QC, Canada | 第16回世界Nondestructive Testing会議(WCNDT 2004) |
2004.6.19-6.23 | Nuclear Medicine | Society of Nuclear Medicine 51st Annual Meeting | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第51回米国核医学会議 |
2004.10.9-10.13 | Nuclear Medicine | 8th Asia Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology | Beijing, China | 第8回アジア・オセアニア核医学会議 |
2004.9.4-9.8 | Nuclear Medicine | European Association of Nuclear Medicine 17th Annual Congress | Helsinki. Finland | 第17回欧州核医学会議 |
2004.8.8-8.12 | Nurse | International Society for Nurses in Cancer Care 13th Biennial Conference | Sydney. Australia | 第13回国際癌看護会議 |
2004.4.17-4.20 | Nurses | American Association of Neuroscience Nurses 36th Annual Meeting | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第36回米国神経科学看護会議 |
2004.2.4-. | Nursing | 3rd State-of-the-Art Stroke Nursing Symposium | San Diego, CA, USA | 第3回卒中看護シンポジウム |
2004.3.23-3.27 | Nursing | 25th Annual Nursing Conference on Paediatric Primary Care | Dallas, TX, USA | 第25回米国小児一次医療看護会議 |
2004.4.29-5.2 | Nursing | Oncology Nursing Society 2004 Annual Meeting | Anaheim, CA, USA | 米国腫瘍看護学会議 |
2004.5.1-5.4 | Nutrition | 7th International Symposium of Clinical Nutrition | Brisbane, QLD, Australia | 第7回国際臨床栄養学会議 |
2004.4.17-4.21 | Nutritional Sciences | Annual Meeting of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences - at EB2004 | Washington, DC, USA | 米国栄養科学会議 |
2004.5.26-5.29 | Obesity | 13th European Congress on Obesity | Prague, Czech Republic | 第13回欧州肥満会議 |
2004.10.-. | Obesity | International Association for the Study of Obesity North American Congress | San Antonio. TX. USA | 北米肥満学会議 |
2004.5.12-5.16 | Obstetric Anesthesia | Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 36th Annual Meeting | Fort Myers, FL, USA | 第36回米国産科麻酔・ペリナトロジー会議 |
2004.3.17-3.24 | Obstetricians Gynaecologists | 71st Annual Convention of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians Gynaecologists | San Diego, CA, USA | 第71回米国オステオパシー産科婦人科学会議 |
2004.5.1-5.5 | Obstetricians Gynecologists | 52nd Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第52回米国産科婦人科学会議 |
2004.1.2-1.6 | Obstetrics, Gynecology | The 20th Annual Conference on Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatal Medicine, Neonatology and the Law | Maui, HI, USA | 第20回米国産科婦人科学会議 |
2004.5.12-5.15 | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | The 18th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Athens, Greece | 第18回欧州産科婦人科学会議 |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 14th International Congress of Psychosomatic
Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 'Women's Health: Psyche and Soma' |
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK | 第14回国際産科婦人科心身医学会議 |
2004.3.21-3.24 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | International Association of Ultrasound in
Obstetrics and Gynecology: 1st International Scientific Meeting |
Singapore. Singapore | 第1回国際産科婦人科超音波学会議 |
2004.9.21-9.25 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | International Society of Ultrasound in
Obstetrics and Gynecology 14th World Congress |
Stockholm. Sweden | 第14回国際産科婦人科超音波学会議 |
2004.1.24-1.27 | Ocular Oncology | 6th International Congress of Ocular Oncology | Hyderabad, India | 第6回国際眼腫瘍会議 |
2004.3.1-3.14 | Ocular Pharmacology | 5th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ISOPT) | Monte Carlo, Monaco | 第5回国際眼薬理治療学会議 (ISOPT) |
2004.3.18-3.21 | Oncology | 57th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology | New York, NY, USA | 第57回米国外科腫瘍学会議 |
2004.6.5-6.8 | Oncology | American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting 2004 | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国癌治療学会議(ASCO) |
2004.10.29-11.2 | Oncology | 29th ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) Congress | Vienna, Austria | 第29回欧州癌治療学会議(ESMO) |
2004.11.16-11.19 | Ophthalmology | Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国眼科学会議 |
2004.10.22-10.26 | Ophthalmology | American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting | New Orleans. LA. USA | 米国眼科学会議 |
2004.4.25-4.29 | Ophthalmology | The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting | Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA | 米国ARVO会議 |
2004.4.22-4.23 | Opiate Addiction Treatment | European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association Conference | Paris, France | 欧州アヘン剤治療会議 |
2004.6.21-6.25 | Optical Engineering | International Society for Optical Engineering International Symposium | Glasgow. UK | 国際眼工学シンポジウム |
2004.9.29-10.2 | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons |
2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国口腔顎顔面外科学会議 |
2004.6.24-6.27 | Oral Implantologists | International Congress of Oral Implantologists 23th World Congress | Las Vegas. NV. USA | 第23回国際口腔インプラント会議 |
2004.3.5-3.8 | Oral Implantology | World Congress for Oral Implantology | Honolulu, HI, USA | 世界口腔インプラント学会議 |
2004.9.-. | Oral Pathologists | International Association of Oral Pathologists 12th Biennial Congress | Madrid. Spain | 第12回国際口腔病理学会議 |
2004.5.16-5.19 | ORL | 6th International Conference on Pediatric ORL | Athens, Greece | 第6回国際小児耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
2004.2.22-2.26 | ORL, Head Neck Surgery | 10th Asia Oceania ORL, Head Neck Surgery Congress | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 第10回アジアオセアニア耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
2004.5.1-5.5 | Orthodontists | 104th Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontists | Orlando, FL, USA | 第104回米国矯正歯科学会議 |
2004.6.24-6.27 | Orthopaedic | American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 30th Annual Meeting | Quebec. Canada | 第30回米国スポーツ医学整形外科学会議 |
2004.9.5-9.9 | Orthopaedic | Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association 14th Triennial Congress | Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia | 第14回アジア太平洋整形外科学会議 |
2004.3.7-3.10 | Orthopaedic Research | The Orthopaedic Research Society 50th Annual Meeting | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第50回整形外科研究学会議 |
2004.3.10-3.14 | Orthopaedic Surgeons | The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 71st Annual Meeting | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第71回米国整形外科学会議 |
2004.11.14-11.17 | Orthoptic | 5th International Orthoptic Congress | Melbourne, Australia | 第5回国際視能矯正会議 |
2004.3.17-3.20 | Osseointegration | 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration | San Francisco, CA, USA | 米国骨形成会議 |
2004.1.16-1.18 | Osteoporosis | 2nd Asian Regional IOF Conference on Osteoporosis | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | 第2回IOFアジア骨粗鬆症会議 |
2004.5.14-5.18 | Osteoporosis | International Osteoporosis Foundation World Congress on Osteoporosis | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | 国際骨粗鬆症会議 |
2004.9.19-9.22 | Otolaryngology | 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology | New York, NY, USA | 米国耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
2004.4.20-4.26 | Otolaryngology | American Board of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国耳咽喉科学会議 |
2004.9.11-9.16 | Otorhinolaryngology | 5th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery | Rodos, Greece | 第5回欧州耳鼻咽喉科学会議 |
2004.4.1-4.3 | Otorhinolayngology | 10th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Otorhinolayngology-Head and Neck Surgery | Tokyo Japan | 第10回日韓耳鼻咽喉科・頭頚部外科学会 |
2004.4.22-4.24 | Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery |
Intl. Congress on Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery | Saas-Fee, Switzerland | 国際耳硬化症会議 |
2004.4.24-4.25 | Paediatric Anesthesia | 6th World Conference of Paediatric Anesthesia | Bordeaux. France | 第6回世界小児麻酔学会議 |
2004.5.19-5.22 | Paediatric Cardiology | Association of European Paediatric Cardiology 39th Annual General Meeting | Munich. Germany | 第39回欧州小児心臓学会議 |
2004.9.12-9.19 | Paediatric Oncology | International Society of Paediatric Oncology 36th Annual Conference | Oslo. Norway | 第36回国際小児腫瘍学会議 |
2004.3.27-3.31 | Paediatric Ophthalmology | American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology Strabismus Annual Meeting | Washington, DC, USA | 米国小児眼科学会議 |
2004.11.28-12.1 | Paediatric Surgeons | 19th Congress of the Asian Association of Paediatric Surgeons | Hong Kong, China | 第19回アジア小児外科学会議 |
2004.4.22-4.25 | Paediatric Urology | 2004 E.S.P.U (European Society of Paediatric Urology) Meeting | Regensburg, Germany | 欧州小児泌尿器科学会議 |
2004.2.5-2.7 | Pain | The 6th International Conference on Pain Chemical Dependency | New York, NY, USA | 第6回国際痛みとChemical Dependency会議 |
2004.7.11-7.17 | Pain | 11th International Pain Clinic World Society of Pain Clinicians | Tokyo, Japan | 第11回国際ペインクリニック学会 |
2004.3.2-3.7 | Pain | American Academy of Pain Medicine 20th Annual Meeting | Orlando, FL, USA | 第20回米国疼痛医学会議 |
2004.9.21-9.25 | Pain | World Institute of Pain 3rd World Congress | Barcelona. Spain | 第3回世界疼痛研究所会議(WIP) |
2004.7.11-7.14 | Pancreatology | 11th Meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology | Sendai, Japan | 第11回膵臓学国際会議 |
2004.7.19-7.23 | Parasitology | European Federation of Parasitology 9th Quadrennial Multicolloquium | Valencia. Spain | 第9回欧州寄生虫学会議 |
2004.9.11-9.15 | Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition |
European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 26th Congress | Lisboa. Portugal | 第26回欧州静脈経腸栄養学会議 |
2004.5.6-5.9 | Parkinson's Disease | European Parkinson's Disease Association 5th Conference | Lisboa. Portugal | 第5回欧州パーキンソン氏病会議 |
2004.6.9-6.12 | Pathology | European Society of Pathology, Latin American Society of Pathology, 2nd International Congress | Iguacu. Brazil | 欧州・ラテンアメリカ病理学会議 |
2004.10.10-10.15 | Pathology | International Academy of Pathology 25th Biennial Congress | Brisbane. Australia | 第25回国際病理学会議 |
2004.3.4-3.7 | Pediatric Anesthesiology | Pediatric Anesthesiology 2004 | Phoenix, AZ, USA | 小児麻酔学会議 |
2004.6.18-. | Pediatric Endocrinology | 5th Annual Pediatric Endocrinology for the Primary-Care Clinician | Baltimore, MD, USA | 第5回米国小児内分泌学臨床家会議 |
2004.7.3-7.7 | Pediatric Gastroenterology | 2nd World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition | Paris, France | 第2回世界小児消化器病・肝臓病・栄養学会議 |
2004.8.29-9.2 | Pediatric Nephrology | International Pediatric Nephrology Association 13th Triennial Congress | Adelaide. Australia | 第13回国際小児腎臓学会議 |
2004.9.3-9.6 | Pediatric Orthopedic | International Federation of Pediatric Orthopedic Societies 3rd Congress | Salvador da Bahia. Brazil | 第3回国際小児整形外科学会議 |
2004.2.28-3.2 | Pediatric Pulmonology | 6th International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology | Lisbon, Portugal | 第6回国際小児肺学会議 |
2004.4.27-5.2 | Pediatric Radiology | Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) 2004 Annual Meeting | Savannah, GA, USA | 米国小児放射線学会議 |
2004.6.7-6.11 | Pediatric Radiology | European Society of Pediatric Radiology 41st Annual Congress | Heidelberg. Germany | 第41回欧州小児放射線学会議 |
2004.5.-. | Pediatric Surgeons | Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons 37th Annual Meeting | Seoul. Korea | 第37回太平洋小児外科学会議(PAPS) |
2004.5.27-5.30 | Pediatric Surgical | American Pediatric Surgical Association's (APSA's) 35th Annual Meeting | Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA | 第35回米国小児外科学会議 |
2004.8.15-8.20 | Pediatrics | 24th International Congress of Pediatrics | Cancun, Mexico | 第24回国際小児科学会議 |
2004.6.17-6.20 | Perinatal | European Society for Developmental Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology 9th Biennial Congress | Marburg. Germany | 第9回欧州周産期・小児薬理学会議 |
2004.10.3-10.6 | Periodontology | 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国歯周病学会議 |
2004.1.17-1.18 | Peripheral Nerve's | American Society for Peripheral Nerve's Annual Meeting | Palm Springs, CA, USA | 米国末梢神経会議 |
2004.8.28-9.1 | Peritoneal Dialysis | 10th Congress of the International Society for
Peritoneal Dialysis and the 6th European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting |
Amsterdam, Netherlands | 第10回国際腹膜透析会議 |
2004.3.26-3.30 | Pharmaceutical | American Pharmaceutical Association 152nd Annual Meeting | Seattle, WA, USA | 第152回米国薬学会議 |
2004.5.2-5.6 | Pharmaceutical | PBA 2004: 15th International Symposium on
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis |
Florence, Italy | 第15回国際薬学・生物医学的分析会議 |
2004.5.29-6.3 | Pharmaceutical | Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress - 2nd World Congress of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP |
Kyoto, Japan | 第2回世界薬学会議 |
2004.9.4-9.9 | Pharmaceutical | International Pharmaceutical Federation 64th World Congress(FIP) |
New Orleans. LA. USA | 第64回国際薬学会議(FIP) |
2004.8.1-8.6 | Pharmacology | 8th World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) | Brisbane, QLD, Australia | 第8回世界臨床薬理学会議 (CPT) |
2004.10.3-10.5 | Pharmacology | Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology | Phoenix, AZ, USA | 米国臨床薬理学会議 |
2004.2.27-3.1 | Pharmacy | American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Interim Meeting | Washington, DC, USA | 米国薬学会中間会議 |
2004.5.28-5.30 | Pharmacy | European Society of Clinical Pharmacy | Paris. France | 欧州臨床薬学会議 |
2004.8.3-8.7 | Phosphoproteins | 12th International Conference on Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins | Montreal, QC, Canada | 第12回国際リンたんぱく会議 |
2004.4.22-4.24 | Physicians | American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine 2004 Annual Session | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国内科学会議 |
2004.7.25-7.29 | Physicists in Medicine | 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine | Pittsburgh, PA, USA | 米国医用物理学者会議 |
2004.2.23-2.25 | Physiotherapy | 1st International Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Conference | Muscat, Oman | 第1回国際物理療法・リハビリテーション会議 |
2004.5.27-5.29 | Plastic Surgeons | European Association of Plastic Surgeons 15th Annual Meeting | Genova. Italy | 第15回欧州形成外科学会議 |
2004.5.9-5.12 | Plastic Surgeons | (ASPS) American Society of Plastic Surgeons | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国形成外科学会議(ASPS) |
2004.4.16-4.21 | Plastic Surgery | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery/ASERF Annual Meeting | Vancouver, BC, Canada | 米国美容外科学会議 |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Plastic Surgery | 2nd International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies' Congress | London, England, UK | 第2回国際顔の形成外科学会議 |
2004.8.27-8.31 | Plastic Surgery | International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 17th Biennial Congress | Houston. TX. USA | 第17回国際美容形成外科学会議 |
2004.12.6-12.9 | Plastic Surgery | Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress | Bangkok, Thailand | 東洋美容外科学会議 |
2004.5.9-5.13 | Pneumococcal Diseases | 4th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-4) | Helsinki, Finland | 第4回国際肺炎球菌病会議 |
2004.6.12-6.14 | Podology | 7th International Congress on Podology, Diagnostics nad Treatment | Buenos Aires. Argentina | 第7回国際足病学会議 |
2004.11.28-12.2 | Polyamines | International Symposium on Polyamines | Kisarazu, Japan | ポリアミン国際シンポジウム |
2004.4.9-4.12 | Prader-Willi Syndrome | 5th International Prader-Willi Syndrome Scientific Workshop and Conference | ChristChurch, New Zealand | 第5回国際Prader-Willi シンドローム会議 |
2004.4.16-4.18 | Preventive Dentistry | European Conference of Preventive Dentistry | Copenhagen. Denmark | 欧州予防歯科学会議 |
2004.11.3-11.5 | Priorities in Health | International Society on Priorities in Health Care 5th Conference | Wellington. New Zealand | 第5回国際Priorities in Health Care会議 |
2004.7.28-8.2 | Prosthetics and Orthotics | International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics 11th Triennial Congress | Hong Kong. China | 第11回国際歯科補綴・矯正学会議 |
2004.2.20-2.22 | Prosthodontics | 2004 Annual Scientific Session of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国歯科補綴学会議 |
2004.12.10-12.12 | Prosthodontics | International Congress in Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry | Bangkok. Thailand | 国際歯科補綴学・インプラント会議 |
2004.5.1-5.6 | Psychiatric | American Psychiatric Association 157th Annual Meeting | New York, NY, USA | 第157回米国精神科学会議 |
2004.10.17-10.21 | Psychiatric | International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 12th Congress | Jerusalem. Israel | 第12回国際精神医学遺伝学会議 |
2004.4.14-4.18 | Psychiatrists | Association of European Psychiatrists 12th Annual Congress | Geneva, Switzerland | 第12回欧州精神科学会議 |
2004.8.22-8.26 | Psychiatry | 16th World Congress of the International
Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) |
Berlin, Germany | 第16回国際児童精神医学会議 |
2004.9.22-9.26 | Psychiatry | World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry 14th Congress | Krakow. Poland | 第14回世界力動精神医学会議 |
2004.10.19-10.24 | Psychiatry | American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 51st Annual Meeting | Washington DC. USA | 第51回米国児童精神医学会議 |
2004.10.24-10.27 | Psychiatry | XVIII World Congress of World Association for Social Psychiatry | Kobe, Japan | 第18回世界社会精神医学会 |
2004.8.25-8.28 | Psycho-Oncology | International Psycho-Oncology Society 7th Congress | Copenhagen. Denmark | 第7回国際精神腫瘍学会議 |
2004.9.8-9.11 | Psychogeriatric | International Psychogeriatric Association Asia Pacific Regional Meeting | Seoul, Korea, Republic of | 国際老年精神病学アジア太平洋会議 |
2004.5.27-5.30 | Psychological | American Psychological Society 16th Annual Convention | Chicago. IL. USA | 第16回米国心理学会議 |
2004.8.8-8.13 | Psychological | International Union of Psychological Science 28th Quadrennial International Congress | Beijing. China | 第28回国際心理学会議 |
2004.9.18-9.23 | Psychophysiology | 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology - The Olympics of the Brain - IOP2004 | Thessaloniki, Greece | 第12回世界精神生理学会議 IOP2004 脳オリンピック |
2004.4.19-4.22 | Public Health | World Federation of Public Health Association 10th Triennial Congress | Brighton. UK | 第10回世界公衆衛生学会議 |
2004.10.7-10.9 | Public Health | European Public Health Associatiion Annual Meeting | Oslo. Norway | 欧州公衆衛生学会議 |
2004.11.7-11.11 | Public Health | American Public Health Association Annual Meeting | Washington DC. USA | 米国公衆衛生学会議 |
2004.4.18-4.25 | Radiation Research | Radiation Research Society 2004 Annual Meeting | St. Louis, MO, USA | 米国放射線研究会議 |
2004.11.28-12.3 | Radiological | 90th Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) | Chicago, IL, USA | 第90回北米放射線学会議 (RSNA) |
2004.2.2-2.5 | Radiological Technologists | International Society of Radiographers and
Radiological Technologists 13th Quadrennial World Congress |
Hong Kong. China | 第13回国際放射線技師会議 |
2004.6.25-7.3 | Radiology | 23rd International Congress of Radiology | Montreal, QC, Canada | 第23回国際放射線学会議 |
2004.3.5-3.9 | Radiology | ECR 2004 European Congress of Radiology | Vienna, Austria | ECR2004 欧州放射線学会議 |
2004.9.18-9.22 | Radiology | Annual Meeting American College of Radiology | San Diego, CA, USA | 米国放射線学会議 |
2004.10.3-10.7 | Radiology and Oncology | 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology | Atlanta, GA, USA | 第46回米国治療放射線腫瘍学会議 |
2004.10.24-10.28 | Radiology and Oncology | European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 23rd Annual Congress | Amsterdam. Netherlands | 第23回欧州治療放射線腫瘍学会議 |
2004.6.23-6.26 | Radiology and Surgery | CARS 2004, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery | Chicago, IL, USA | 米国コンピュータ支援放射線・外科学会議 |
2004.2.27-2.29 | Radiology Imaging | American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) 2004 Annual Meeting | New Orleans, LA, USA | 米国放射線学会議 |
2004.1.17-1.20 | Reconstructive Microsurgery | American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery's 19th Annual Meeting | Palm Springs, CA, USA | 第19回米国Reconstructiveマイクロサージェリー会議 |
2004.6.13-6.17 | Rehabilitation | 8th European Congress of Research in Rehabilitation | Ljubljana, Slovenia | 第8回欧州リハビリテーション研究会議 |
2004.6.21-6.24 | Rehabilitation | Rehabilitation International 20th Quadrennial World Congress | Oslo. Norway | 第20回国際リハビリテーション会議 |
2004.9.25-9.26 | Reproduction | 2nd International Congress: Highlights in Assisted Reproduction | Alexandroupolis, Greece | 第2回国際Assisted Reproduction会議 |
2004.10.11-10.16 | Reproduction | IXth ISIR Congress in 2004 | Hakone, Japan | 第9回国際生殖免疫学会 |
2004.10.16-10.21 | Reproductive Medicine | 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine | Philadelphia, PA, USA | 第60回米国生殖医学会議 |
2004.9.4-9.8 | Respiratory | European Respiratory Society 14th Annual Congress | Glasgow. UK | 第14回欧州呼吸器科学会議 |
2004.11.19-11.22 | Respirology | Asian Pacific Society of Respirology 9th Congress | Hong Kong. China | 第9回アジア太平洋呼吸器学会議 |
2004.6.9-6.12 | Rheumatology | EULAR 2004: European Congress of Rheumatology | Berlin, Germany | 欧州リウマチ学会議 |
2004.10.8-10.12 | Rheumatology | 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第68回米国リウマチ学会議 |
2004.6.18-6.23 | Rhinologic | XX. Congress of the European Rhinologic
Society (ERS) XXIII. International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN) |
Istanbul, Turky | 第20回欧州鼻科学会議(ERS)・第23回国際ISIAN会議 |
2004.5.2-5.7 | Roentgen Ray | Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society | Miami, FL, USA | 米国レントゲン線会議 |
2004.1.29-2.2 | Schizophrenia | International Conference on Schizophrenia | Chennai, India | 国際精神分裂病会議 |
2004.5.12-5.16 | Sexology | European Federation of Sexology 7th Biennial Congress | Brighton. UK | 第7回欧州セクスオロジー会議 |
2004.10.17-10.21 | Sexual and Impotence Research |
11th. World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research | Buenos Aires, Argentina | 第11回国際インポテンス研究会議 |
2004.10.6-10.9 | Sexual Offenders | 8th Congress of the International Association
for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders: Prevention of Sexual Abuse |
Athens, Greece | 第8回国際性犯罪会議 |
2004.7.6-7.9 | Sexually Transmitted Infections |
13th International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI), Asian Pacific Congress | Chiangmai, Thailand | 第13回アジア太平洋性器感染会議 |
2004.10.6-10.9 | Skeletal | International Skeletal Society 2004 Annual Meeting | St. Julian's, Malta | 国際骨格学会 |
2004.10.31-11.4 | Skull Base | 4th International Skull Base Congress | Sydney, NSW, Australia | 第4回国際頭蓋底会議 |
2004.10.5-10.9 | Sleep | 17th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society | Prague, Czech Republic | 第17回欧州睡眠研究会議 |
2004.1.15-1.17 | Sleep Disorders | 22nd Annual Conference on Sleep Disorders in Infancy Childhood | Rancho Mirage, CA, USA | 第22回幼少期睡眠障害会議 |
2004.9.14-9.18 | Sleep Research | European Sleep Research Society 17th Biennial Congress | Prague. Czech Republic | 第17回欧州睡眠研究会議 |
2004.9.-. | Space Medicine | International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine 52nd Annual Congress | Sun City. South Africa | 第52回国際航空宇宙医学会議 |
2004.9.10-9.12 | Spinal Injection | International Spinal Injection Society 12th Annual Meeting | Maui Island. HI. USA | 第12回国際脊椎障害学会議 |
2004.5.14-5.16 | Spinal Injury | American Spinal Injury Association 30th Annual Scientific Meeting | Denver, CO, USA | 第30回米国脊椎損傷会議 |
2004.5.30-6.5 | Spine | Spine Week: 1st Combined Congress of the Different Spine Societies | Oporto, Portugal | 脊椎病週間 |
2004.5.31-6.1 | Spine | 20th Annual Meeting of the CSRS (Cervical Spine Research Society) European Section | Porto, Portugal | 第20欧州頚椎会議 |
2004.4.28-5.1 | Sports | Biennial Meeting of the European Society of
Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) |
Athens, Greece | 欧州スポーツ外傷学・膝外科・関節鏡検査学会議 |
2004.6.2-6.5 | Sports Medicine | 51st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine | Indianapolis, IN, USA | 第51回米国スポーツ医学会議 |
2004.6.1-6.4 | Strabismological | 29th Meeting of the European Strabismological Association | Izmir, Turkey | 第29回欧州斜視学会議 |
2004.5.12-5.15 | Stroke | 13th European Stroke Conference | Mannheim, Germany | 第13回欧州脳卒中会議 |
2004.6.23-6.26 | Stroke | International Stroke Society 5th Congress | Vancouver. Canada | 第5回国際脳卒中学会議 |
2004.2.5-2.7 | Stroke | 29th International Stroke Conference | San Diego, CA, USA | AHA第29回国際脳卒中会議 |
2004.4.25-4.28 | Surgeons | American College of Surgeons 32nd Annual Spring Meeting | Boston, MA, USA | 第32回米国外科学会春季会議 |
2004.7.18-7.25 | Surgeons | The International College of Surgeons - US Division Meeting | Vancouver, BC, Canada | 国際外科学会米国部会 |
2004.10.10-10.15 | Surgeons | American College of Surgeons 90th Annual Congress | New Orleans. LA. USA | 第90回米国外科学会議 |
2004.10.17-10.21 | Surgeons | International College of Surgeons 34th Biennial Congress | Quito, Ecuador | 第34回国際外科学会世界総会 |
2004.1.5-1.8 | Surgery | The 4th Annual Conference on Medical
Negligence and Risk Management in Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Emergency Medicine and Radiology |
Maui, HI, USA | 外科、整形外科、救急医療、放射線学における Medical Negligenceとリスクマネージメント会議 |
2004.9.8-9.11 | Surgery of Obesity | 9th World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity | Tokyo, Japan | 第9回国際肥満外科学会 |
2004.3.31-4.3 | Surgical Oncology | ESSO 2004: 12th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology | Budapest, Hungary | 第12回欧州外科腫瘍学会議(ESSO) |
2004.2.13-2.14 | Target Delineation | 2nd International Target Delineation Symposium for IMRT/#DCRT | Boca Raton, FL, USA | 第2回国際IMRT/#DCRT Target Delineation シンポジウム |
2004.5.21-5.26 | Thoracic | American Thoracic Society 2004 International Conference | Orlando, FL, USA | 米国胸部学会 |
2004.1.26-1.28 | Thoracic Surgeons | 40th Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons | San Antonio, TX, USA | 第40回米国胸部外科学会議 |
2004.6.20-6.24 | Thrombosis | 18th International Congress on Thrombosis | Ljublijana, Slovenia | 第18回国際血栓症会議 |
2004.6.17-6.19 | Thrombosis and Haemostasis | The 50th Scientific and Standardization
Committee Meeting of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis | Venice, Italy | 第50回国際止血血栓学SSC会議 |
2004.10.14-10.16 | Thrombosis and Hemostasis | The 3rd Asian Pacific Congress in Thrombosis and Hemostasis | Bangkok, Thailand | 第3回アジア太平洋止血血栓学会議 |
2004.9.18-9.22 | Thyroid | 30th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association | Istanbul, Turkey | 第30回欧州甲状腺会議 |
2004.2.15-2.18 | Toxicologic Pathologists | International Federation of Societies of Toxicologic Pathologists | Kobe, Japan | 第5回国際毒性病理学会議 |
2004.8.28-9.3 | Toxicologists | International Association of Forensic Toxicologists Meeting | Washington. DC. USA | 国際法毒物学会議 |
2004.7.11-7.16 | Toxicology | The 10th International Congress of Toxicology ICT X | Tampere, Finland | 第10回国際トキシコロジー会議(ICT X) |
2004.9.-. | Traffic Medicine | International Traffic Medicine Association 20th Congress | Cape Town. South Africa | 第20回国際交通医学会議 |
2004.3.2-3.6 | Trauma | 6th World Congress on Trauma, Shock,
Inflammation and Sepsis Pathophysiology, Immune Consequences and Therapy |
Munich, Germany | 第6回世界外傷・ショック・炎症とSepsis病態生理学会議 |
2004.5.16-5.19 | Trauma | 6th European Trauma Congress | Prague, Czech Republic | 第6回欧州外傷会議 |
2004.11.14-11.17 | Traumatic | 2004 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | New Orleans, LA, USA | 国際外傷ストレス研究会議 |
2004.7.2-7.4 | Twin Studies | 11th International Congress on Twin Studies | Odense, Denmark | 第11回国際双生児研究会議 |
2004.2.5-2.7 | Ubiquitin | 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitin | Houston, TX, USA | 第2回国際ユビキティン会議 |
2004.5.7-5.10 | Ultrasound | 8th World Congress of Echocardiography Vascular Ultrasound | Antalya, Turkey | 第8回世界超音波心臓・血管検査法会議 |
2004.6.20-6.23 | Ultrasound | American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2004 Annual Meeting | Phoenix, AZ, USA | 米国超音波医学会議 (AIUM) |
2004.5.17-5.22 | Ultrasound | The 7th Congress of the Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology | Utsunomiya,Japan | 第7回アジア超音波医学生物学学術連合国際会議 |
2004.9.-. | Urogenital Radiology | European Society of Urogenital Radiology 11th Annual Symposium | Santiago de Compostela. Spain |
第11回欧州泌尿器放射線学会議 |
2004.5.8-5.13 | Urological | 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第99回米国泌尿器科学会議 |
2004.10.3-10.7 | Urologie | 27th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie | Honolulu, HI, USA | 第27回国際泌尿器科学会議 |
2004.2.19-2.21 | Urology | The 14th International Conference: Challenging Cases in Urology | Miami, FL, USA | 第14回国際泌尿器の挑戦的症例会議 |
2004.11.14-11.18 | Urology | 7th Asian Congress on Urology | Hong Kong. China | 第7回アジア泌尿器学会議 |
2004.3.17-3.20 | Urology | European Association of Urology 19th Annual Congress | Istanbul. Turkey | 第19回欧州泌尿器科学会議 |
2004.4.11-4.15 | Vaccine Adjuvants and Glycoconjugates |
2nd International Workshop on Vaccine Adjuvants and Glycoconjugates | Varadero, Matanzas, Cuba | 第2回国際会議ワクチンアジュバント・グリココンジュゲート会議 |
2004.1.10-1.13 | Vaginitis | The 4th World Conference on Vaginitis | Puntarenas, , Costa Rica | 第4回世界膣炎会議 |
2004.6.1-6.5 | Vascular Biology | IVBM 2004: The XIIIth International Vascular Biology Meeting | Toronto, ON, Canada | 第13回国際血管生物学会議 |
2004.10.6-10.9 | Veterinary | World Small Animal Veterinary Association 29th Annual Congress | Athens. Greece | 第29回世界小動物獣医学会議 |
2004.8.25-8.28 | Veterinary Dermatology | 5th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology | Vienna. Australia | 第5回世界獣医皮膚科学会議 |
2004.5.27-6.1 | Viruses | 7th International Symposium on Positive-Strand RNA Viruses | San Francisco, CA, USA | 第7回国際陽性RNAウイルス鎖会議 |
2004.4.21-4.24 | Women Health and Menopause |
5th International Symposium on Women Health and Menopause | Firenze. Italy | 第5回国際女性の健康とメノポーズ会議 |
2004年 | 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |
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